Saturday, November 13, 2010

In Which Booth's Fiiiiiiine - It's His Skeletal System That's Falling Apart

Season 6, Episode 6
The Shallow in the Deep

Who's got two thumbs, speaks limited Spanish, and has a busted computer that was the victim of a tv-falling-onto-desk-and-spilling-water-everywhere accident so the post she originally planned for this episode is gone?

For all the times for this to happen, though, it's best that it was now, considering this was quite the slow episode (which, as I always say, is NOT a bad thing; I don't know about you, but I like a break from getting my heart ripped out of my chest every now and then).

And it definitely has its awesome points. Like how we start with a scene that starts with Booth in bed and, miracle of miracles, Hannah isn't there. Which doesn't mean anything storyline-wise, but it does make for a more pleasant watching experience for the average B&B shipper.

I love how normal it is for them, her walking into his apartment in the morning and following him around. And I also love the way she says “You're fiiiiiiiiine!”, all reassuring and total Brennan-believes-in-Booth-whole-heartedly mode, and then also adds on at the end, “'s your skeletal system that's falling apart”, and is back to literal Brennan (although it a jokey-joke kind of way). We get two different Brennans in one line, which is quite the rarity.

And right after, we go to Brennan listing off all his injuries. And of course, I'm starting to type what I always do after she lists things she remembers about him: “SHE REMEMBERS EVERYTHING BECAUSE SHE CARES ABOUT HIM!” But, then, she says it herself for once. (Way to steal my thunder, Brennan. Yeesh.) But really, though, the fact that she acknowledges it out loud and they both pass over it so quickly is... both good and bad. Good, in that it's partly because it's so ingrained in them that they don't even think of it to be anything important, but bad because it was an opportunity to further delve, even if just a little, into how she does care for him (BECAUSE SHE LOVES HIM SO MUCH SDIUGHSDUIGD), that of course neither of them take because neither of them think anything is wrong, that anything needs to be delved into.

You know what else I love? How Brennan gets so irritated when she says “You really have to double-check these things, Booth!” to him in the car scene, and two seconds later accuses him of being touchy. I also love the tone of their bickering in this. Irritated, yes, perhaps to ease a bit of their awkward tension they can't otherwise ease, but also with their typical sense of playfulness, especially with the whole “You're wrong” “I am not wrong!” right when they're at the lady's door. Those little tastes of the baseline dynamic of B&B are so refreshing.

Can we also note how they're leaning in towards each other in the diner scene? Again, it's something so typical that generally neither us nor they notice it, but how the show has changed now, it's more meaningful to notice what is the same with them as opposed to what's different, and also, whether they notice something is the same or not. The leaning-in, the familiarity of the diner scene, like with the car scene, shows two things: 1) that they still have that baseline B&B dynamic, which is good, and 2) that they still aren't entirely accepting that things are different with them, because they never fully accepted what they had before. They see their closeness as just a partner thing, so they believe that they can still have it, since they're just partners. But really, it's a more-than-partners thing, and the more they start to realize that, the more they'll be drawn to action about their situation.

And then, we have the dock. The dock that was the setting to the scene to the quote that is the namesake of this blog. The “Everything happens eventually” dock. They make a point to show that it IS, in fact, that dock, because of the landscape shot while Booth starts talking. It's recognizable. But then... nothing happens. “What?!” the fangirls cry. But still, there are many reasons for this. Maybe it was simply to remind us of that scene, to remind us that everything happens eventually. Maybe Hart Hanson is just having fun with throw-backs to previous episodes this season.

What I do love (I seem to love a lot of things in this episode) is how Brennan insists there's no such thing as over-thinking, when that is precisely what she did with her whole reasoning of “I should be protecting YOU from ME!” when she turned him down in 5.16. Just saying.

Irrelevant: The way she says “don't be so hasty” is perfection. Emily Deschanel, you are a gem.

ProtectiveAndTerritorial!Booth is so good to see again. The whole thing... mhmm, thanks for the assurance that your feelings for her are still there, Booth. Not that it was every doubted, but still. Deep-rooted, they are, and deeply pushed aside, but your protectiveness of her will always be the biggest sign.

And then, in that last scene that Tamara Taylor played so beautifully and made me tear up... that little tiny bit where Brennan looks at Booth and smiles, and he looks back at her and smiles as she turns back away... that's just lovely. It doesn't mean anything monumental; it hardly means anything at all, except that Brennan is happy they were able to identify all the people on the ship and wants to share that happiness with Booth, but a nice, little, meaningless moment with them, after all the ~unspoken drama~ they've had thus far this season, is simply nice to watch.


  1. I thought the entire cast was absolutely amazing in this episode. Tamara Taylor had me tearing at the end with the name reading.

    I was beyond smiley when she said "I care about you". And then I wanted to bang my head on my desk because seriously, she cares so much but wouldn't give them a chance...*sigh* Which made me appreciate your comment on how she was over-thinking in the 100th episode much more.

    One thing I noticed was what Sweets said about needing to have stuff in common and then realizing that he and Daisy may have more in common than they think. I think this is also true for BB's relationship. They think that they are so different from each other (only superficially thanks Gordon Gordon for pointing it out) and once they realize how much they have in common it will be a stepping stone in the right direction.

    This episode proved (if it hadn't been obvious in the previous episodes) that Booth's "I don't love Brennan anymore and am happy with Hannah" facade is cracking. Just another tiny note, when he made the comment about the guy hitting on Brennan being a zygote - it totally had me thinking about how ingrained and how much they have learned from each other. Would season 1 Booth have used a science term? Nope. :)

    I always want to just write a quick comment, but it never turns out that way. Oh well :p

  2. Nice episode overall.
    Didn't catch the zygote comment while watching. Very interesting.

    The shipper in me is missing a BB moment so much... we didn't have any this season yet. At least that's how see it.
    What I figured out is that I can't seem to enjoy a Bones episode completely anymore. I guess that's how it will be for me as long as the huge white elephant (or should I say mastodon) is in the middle of the room.
    In the old days, an episode like this would leave me satisfied.

  3. mmm...carioca22 I have to agree. I do feel a level of emptiness after this type of ep bc of no B&B moment, when in the past it would have been perfect.

    That's why I just LOVE this blog Leila. You remind me of the good stuff and change my perspective when I thik it's all going badly. I just love your insights and write-ups.


  4. That's pretty much why I'm here too. I need to salvage something and since I'm getting too depressed to do it myself, I borrow Leila's optimism. :)
    When she gets pessimist we'll know for sure Bones has jumped the shark. :P

  5. I wish I could watch this episode, but I've vowed to give up watching until Hannah is gone. I can't handle having her there. I want Booth and Brennan back to how they used to be. I'm sick of angst.

  6. twitchywoman: an ep without H is pretty good...if you can look past the emptiness. At least she doesn't hog valuable screen time. The squints really shine in this one.

    carioca22: we're all in trouble when Leila loses her optimism...


  7. Drea: I completely forgot about the Daisy and Sweets scene! And I commented on that exact thing while I was watching it with my friend, how it's just like with Brennan and Booth. I'll have to add that to the post later. And I love what you pointed out about how season 1 Booth wouldn't have used a science term like that; it's those little things that show just how much they've influenced each other :)

    Carioca22: I think they've had a couple moments, it's just that they've been mostly on the sad side of things. I know it can be difficult, but if you think about it logistically, they need episodes like this every now and then, where not any huge moments of progress happen in their relationship, otherwise it would be just too overwhelming.

    twitchywoman: I tried that with Gilmore Girls after Luke and Lorelai broke up at the start of season 7; I lasted about a day. lol. Honestly, though, I think you pay close attention, they are still how they used to be, maybe not in obvious ways (like they said a million times over, things would change), but they still have that baseline B&B essence, and we're starting to see it come through despite the sadness and angst more and more.

    As for the general comments about my optimism... I'm glad you're able to get that out of this blog. I really don't feel as optimistic as you all seem to make me out to be (neither in real life nor with the show, lol), but I think it's just more of a thing where... I've just kind of accepted that this is how it's going to be for awhile, you know? We can't go back and change how the show has gone. So might as well try to deal with what we have. I definitely have my moments where I lose hope (mostly after reading spoilers that I ridiculously over-analyze out of context, lol), but I usually just vent through that on my personal blog, and the next day, reason returns, and the spoiler ends up not being nearly as bad I thought it was once I see it in the episode and in context. The show is different now. Once you accept it, look for the things that are the same, and appreciate the opportunities the differences provide for... it's not so bad anymore.
