Friday, November 5, 2010

In Which Asking For Someone's Sunglasses is Apparently The Equivalent Of Spitting In Someone's Face

Season 6, Episode 5
The Bones That Weren't

Oh, baseball. I don't know much about you, but what I do know is that I love when you don't have extra games and therefore don't make us wait an extra week for new Bones.

Of course, having the first scene after the body is found be Booth and Hannah can almost make a person wish baseball had lasted an extra week.
Gross gross gross gross gross.

When he's all “I'll miss you” to Hannah when she leaves... normally, to something like this I'd be like “Well, SOMEBODY is overcompensating like a madman.” And while I still think that may be part of it, I've started to shift ideas.

Remember that lovely little scene in The Man in the Outhouse when they established that Booth and Brennan have a “surrogate relationship” of sorts?
It's reversed now, in a very odd and unusual way: Hannah is now the surrogate in Booth's life for Bones.

We know that for at least the past five years, Booth has not had a legitimate serious relationship, nothing that rivals what he has emotionally with Brennan, until now. It's been awhile. And then he falls for Brennan, and he has all these extreme feelings for her – but he can't do anything about it. He can't express those feelings, through words nor actions. He has so much love for her, but he could never get it out.

Now, he has Hannah. Hannah is the closest thing to a relationship as serious as what he has with Brennan that we have seen. Except, he can express his love for Hannah, unlike with Brennan. He can have romantic dinners with her and tell her how much he loves her and have tons of sex with her. He can finally express all the love he has had inside him that he hasn't been able to express for AGES. And why is he just waiting till now to do it as opposed to getting with some random floozy? Because Hannah because she is similar enough to Bones for him to justify his actions of love on her to himself.

When he's all “Hannah is the best thing in the world omg I love her so much omg omg” like a teenage boy in love, it's not so much that he's overcompensating and trying to convince someone and himself that everything is perfect – it's that he has so much love that's been bottled up inside him for too long, and now that he has someone to get it out on, he's getting it out a LOT.

As a disclaimer to this and everything, basically, let me say: I think Booth does have very real feelings for Hannah. Whether or not those feelings are love, whether they are just “love” or if he is “in love” with her, all that is debatable. But it would be insulting to the character of Booth to insist that he doesn't really love her; Booth would not string someone along like that knowing they'd get hurt in the end, even if he's not completely conscious of it. If he had a feeling at all that things weren't right with him and Hannah, he would break it off. Otherwise he wouldn't be the same man Brennan loves, and therefore, the love they have would not be the same, and it would all be illegitimate.

Booth, Bones, and Sweets at the diner. Always a lovely scene.
And always ends up in some discussion of their personal lives.
When they start talking about how Sweets and Brennan think Hannah is doing more work because she's bored at home, first made me think of how she did the exact same thing, that she's taking an opportunity to simultaneously make like she's completely ok with Hannah and Booth's relationship by bringing it up herself and ALSO try to bring out a shabbily-produced negative consequence of their relationship, last week.

After that, though, I realized; she's only ever said that it's Booth doing things wrong in his and Hannah's relationship; never Hannah. Yes, part of this is probably because she doesn't want to seem like she's against the relationship by saying bad things about Hannah, and part of it is also how the showrunners are really trying to emphasize that Bones and Hannah are friends, but even so, I think there's more. Some deep-seeded irrational hurt and anger at Booth for loving someone other than her, perhaps?


And then, of course we have the “a 2 by 3 by 4 slab” exchange, among many others, to point out yet again, how super-literal she is being. And we all know what that means, kids: she is hiding feelings like a motherfucker.

And we'll use Brennan's use of “totally jazzed” to begin an inference about her increased use of metaphors.
But I thought her being super-literal was a sign of her hurting deep-down? Then why is she being MORE metaphorical now, isn't that the opposite of literal?”, you ask?

Well, there are a couple things to take into account here:
  1. The way she goes about using metaphors and sarcasm and irony and all that is very organized, methodical, literal way. Like when she breaks down “irony” into logical terms, for example.
  2. A lot of it could very well be her trying to pretend like she's getting better socially by using random metaphors, but it's the way she does it, if she does it without making a conscious choice to do it, that really determines if she's improved or not, not if she does it or not.
  3. And 1 and 2 can be supported by the fact that she's super-literal when she responds to something a person has said directly to her (like in the slab quote), but the metaphor really only happens randomly and from her own prompting. Makes it more likely that this is something she is consciously trying to do, and emotional and social development to be truly impacting, it has to delve into the subconscious.

Now, I get that it is upsetting to see them going on like life is normal. I sit and watch the show and occasionally my brain wanders off from the moment and thinks, “...wait a second. How the FUCK are they even functioning right now?!” But really, it makes sense that they're going to try to move on. No matter how much they think that it's meant to be, they're going to fool themselves into thinking it'll never happen and they'll try to move on. It's what people do. We can't fault them for being human.

And we have another “Thanks, Bones”. And that whole moment is not as overt as the one in the third episode, as after the phone. Nor as their moment during the science show in the fourth. Maybe because Hannah is right there. Maybe because with her life in danger, he's realizing he can't have both feelings for Hannah and Bones. Maybe he's realizing the gravity of the situation as a whole. What's more important than facial expressions, etc. in these types of things though, is the duration. Someone can look at you and make the biggest facial expression, but it's nothing if it only lasts a second. It's how long a person looks that matters. And he looked. He took his time in talking, and he kept staring at her, even after she left. It was ALL in the eyes this time. They've had many an eye connection before, but it always involved more of the face. This was ALL eyes. And it doesn't indicate less connection on their part. But it indicates that they're going deeper and deeper within themselves in this situation of theirs, reaching out less about it. Those feelings he still has for Brennan that are packed away are starting to rustle around a bit, because that “thanks” had more than one meaning. He was thanking her for saving Hannah's life, yes, but it goes beyond that. He's thanking her for putting her own feelings aside for his happiness. It's on a subconscious level, yes, but I think deep down, he knows that her pointing out the issue with Hannah's leg was a sort of mini-sacrifice for her. The feelings are getting rustled up just in the slightest, and so he's going to push them down even deeper. And the same goes for Brennan. I think it'll get a little darker before the light, kiddos. But that increased dark may just be what allows for the light in the end. Shit can only stay buried for so long.

With how they both insisted to Sweets that Booth was just “persevering” in going on with his work after Hannah was shot... oh, what a lovely breath of fresh air. Banding together against Sweets ... just like the old days. And just what they need right now.

I've talked about it so much that I'm sick of it, but just for consistency's sake, I'll point out the fact that she knows and mentions that Booth would want to know why shows how deep-rooted her feelings are for him, how deep-rooted he is in her being. NO ELABORATION. Because I have talked about it so much in past episodes. But it needed to be noted.

NON B&B OBSERVATION: When Booth was holding the juice for Hannah, I just couldn't get the thought of, “What the fuck, she has arms, Booth. Why are you feeding her juice. What even.” out of my head. Yes, it's a cute romantic whatever thing, but really, SHE DIDN'T BREAK HER ARMS. She can drink juice herself.

And then, we end with the sunglasses. Oh, the sunglasses.
You'd think that, with how some people reacted to that, that Hannah might as well have spit in Brennan's face.
Like, really people?
First off, Brennan's a freaking millionaire. I'm pretty sure she can do without one pair of sunglasses.

And second; I know we all like to think Hannah is the devil incarnate, but really, I don't think she had any ~evil~ intentions in asking for the sunglasses. She recognizes that Brennan is someone very important to the man she loves. So, she wants to befriend Brennan. She recognizes that Brennan is an unusual person. So, she tries to befriend Brennan in an unusual way. And Brennan responds.

Now, you get to a more subconscious level, and her deeper intentions behind this have possibilities. There is what I said above, that she just wants to befriend someone she knows is important to the man she loves. But, also, she could already have a subconscious idea that Brennan's a threat. Befriending the enemy is a common way to deal with a threat. Hannah gives Brennan logic she can't refuse (the whole thing about following social customs) in order to forge a friendship. I don't think Hannah is conniving in the least; I don't think she's planning to “befriend the enemy” or anything like that on a conscious level. But when you have the subconscious of someone like Hannah, who is paradoxically both intuitive and logical... things become more difficult to infer.

The whole character of Hannah is completely fascinating to me, honestly. She's this odd hybrid of Booth and Brennan that you would think would never work but actually does. And so she gets along with both of them. She's intuitive AND logical. She's smart AND emotional.

And now we have a new segment I'd like to call “Leila the Fangirl Yells at Brennan (But Not In An Angry Way)” (which really, I do all the time in these posts, but now I'm just naming it):
Booth would be very unhappy if you died”

To end, I have a little motto for this season, in case you don't like the mushy-gushy metaphorical crap I put at the end of the post for the season five finale:

As long as Booth wears the cocky belt buckle, there will always be hope.


  1. He's not using the flashy ties though. :(
    I know Brennan is loaded, but I didn't like the way Hannah got herself new sunglasses. Probably because in my head I was thinking: You took Booth, now you want the sunglasses, what's next? My clothes, my apartment, my friends??(Ok very irrational thought, but sometimes these thoughts just come through no matter what).
    You know what I would like to see next? Booth overhearing Brennan when she says something heartbreaking like that.
    I found awesome how Brennan used her super-powers to save Hannah. I thought that Booth looked a little too composed about the hole Hannah being shot thing. I thought he was going to go on guilty/pissed/revengeful mode but he didn't. He kept working the case, occasionally visiting her. I wonder if he would be that fine if it was Brennan... maybe get a little paranoid that the guy would want to finish the job at the hospital...
    I did think that too: she can use her hands Booth, she's not a kid. Wans't romantic, just weird. :P

  2. I thought it was interesting you didn't jump on the crime-fighting duo parts of this episode. You've mentioned before how Booth and Brennan bond over this, so when he and Hannah decided to join forces to find her bad-guy it made me a little uncomfortable.

    Then later, he says to Bones "that's why nobody can thwart our criminological brilliance." and it made me feel a little better.

  3. Carioca22: Yes, but the cocky belt buckle has an extra meaning in relation to Brennan, since she got him a new one after he lost it when the Gravedigger locked him away. So THAT'S the most important ;) Hahaha, it's totally ok to have thoughts and feelings like that (I have them all the time lol), as long as you eventually realize that they're irrational and you're not like BLAAAAH HANNAH IS EEEEEVIL AND AN AWFUL PERSON FOR BEING WITH BOOTH EOGWHIURGSD.
    It's interesting to think about how he would have reacted if it were Brennan. But you also have to think about 1) he may have seemed so composed this time with Hannah because he was bottling up all his panic so he wouldn't have to deal with his feelings of worry etc. about her as much, and 2) had it been Brennan, just going back to work wouldn't have been much of an option for distraction from the situation for him like it was this time because he can only do so much work without Brennan.

    Claudia Annette: Honestly, I didn't think much of it at the time, but thinking about it now, it definitely makes me feel a bit off to have him suggest him and Hannah team up to find her shooter. Maybe he thought he couldn't ask Brennan because she had already done so much by virtually saving Hannah's life. And also, bringing into consideration how Hannah is very similar to Brennan in many ways, that although it's weird for US to see him even talk about teaming up with someone else to catch a bad guy, since she has some of those Brennan-like qualities, it might seem like a logical thing to do in his subconscious. I think the showrunners intended it to make us feel a little uncomfortable: "Hannah not only gets to be with Booth in all the ways Brennan can't, now she ALSO gets to be with him in some of the ways Brennan CAN?! WHAT THE EFF." Their goal is to get us riled up, and they know how to do it well. But yes, "that's why nobody can thwart our criminological brilliance" reassures us all that while Hannah may be Brennan-like, there is only one Bones. :)

  4. The thing is that Brennan has never spent even 1 day at a hospital since this series began. So we don't really have anything to compare Booth's reaction to. Probably just me trying to see nicks on Booth and Hannah's relationship.
    The teaming up with Hannah upset me too. That was the one thing BB had that was more or less untouched.
    Like you said before, we are in the low curve of the roller coaster and the writers are doing a damn good job in keeping things upseting. Brennan just keeps making me sad over and over again. Something tells me to prepare myself for the Brennan-centric ep. It promises to be really sad. The high curve better be good! :)

  5. That's very true, but after seeing their relationship progress over five years AND seeing his reactions when she has gotten hurt, we can speculate. It could be completely different than what we think, yes, but we can get a decently likely idea.
    OH yeah, Brennan keeps making EVERYONE sad, I think. I had thought at the end of last season that we would get Angsty!B&B a lot this season; after the premiere, I realized we would get the only thing worse than Angsty!B&B: Sad!B&B. :(

  6. Leila, I have to agree with everything you've said in this post. The lingering look made me wish I had a DVR so that I could watch it over and over again. I actually thought my TV had frozen at one point because it was lasting so long (which I don't mind at all!!!).
    Just want to make a couple points about his reactions to Brennan getting hurt to Hannah.
    1) Two Bodies in the Lab - She almost got shot and he refused to let her out of his sight and when he did it had to be with another agent.
    2)The Man in the Morgue - Flying down to New Orleans I think says enough even without the worrying and tender face touching.
    3) Aliens in a Spaceship - Gravedigger enough said.
    Not to mention when she is hurt emotionally (too many episodes to name), all the times he's been there and not leaving her side and giving her hugs. I'd prefer a hug to a juicebox.
    Sorry this comment is so long, I just needed to get that out.

  7. I also find it odd he just said, we'll catch the bad guy... together, to Hannah. If it were Brennan, he would have been more protective, but with Hannah, he isn't. I'm totally speculating, as I know nothing about psychology, but is Booth in some way acknowledging the fact Hannah is not Brennan, and she can take care of herself, or is his emotional attachment not as strong with Hannah as it is with Brennan?

    Also, I just re-watched it the catching the bad guy together hospital scene, and did anyone else notice how he totally glossed over gambling? He says, "Not that I'm a betting man, but if I was, I'd definitely raise the stakes," really quickly. Does that mean Hannah doesn't know Booth's a former gambler? And if she doesn't know, how would that affect their relationship when she finds out, especially since Brennan has known about his addiction right from the beginning? Unless he told Hannah in Afghanistan, but I kind of have a hard time believing that. On that note, how many of his other girlfriends knew about his gambling problem, if he only tells them if he feels like it's going somewhere. Raises a whole bunch of interesting questions...

  8. Drea: Never apologize for a long comment; the comments from you guys is the fuel that keeps me doing this blog. And, I love your comment. I'd definitely prefer a hug to a juicebox too ;D

    Ashley: thinking about it more, actually, I think had it been Brennan, he wouldn't have have suggested they catch the bad guy together at all; I think he would have set out to catch him himself, because he wouldn't want Brennan involved in any way more so as to have her not get hurt again. I can't say for sure, but I think he would have responded that way, because of all the other times she's been targeted by someone and he tries to insist she stay out of the investigation. As to why he doesn't insist it with Hannah... well, the plethora of possibilities is too much to muddle through at this point. I still don't think we know enough about the relationship even to narrow it down much.

    That's a super awesome point you bring up about the betting line; I hadn't noticed that before, but yeah, that could definitely be something. I wouldn't be surprised if Hannah didn't know, and I also wouldn't be surprised if part of the reason he glossed over it, were it an intentional choice, was not only because Hannah doesn't know and Brennan knew from the start, but that he first really tried to stop gambling BECAUSE of Brennan, a fact that most likely only he knows but still makes him uncomfortable in his relations with Hannah. And again, I wouldn't be surprised if he only told his girlfriends about the gambling if he felt like it was going somewhere (with the exception of Cam, but that's because they knew each other for years). Despite the fact that Hannah is a whole different situation, since their thing was such a whirlwind, quick romance, however, it could still definitely mean something that she doesn't know, if she doesn't.

  9. Quote from an interview with Marissa Roffman and Michaela Conlin:

    "Me too, because it feels like Booth isn’t really “Booth” with Hannah — It’s not even a cliche thing like, oh he can’t be himself around anyone but Brennan — It’s more that he is only showing Hannah the parts of him that are good and nice. He’s not showing her that he used to gamble or that he was a sniper or being honest about his relationship with Brennan. She’s only seeing the shiny version of him, so she’s not getting the chance to fall in love with the whole package. No pun intended!
    MC: That’s true! [Laughs] You’re very smart. You’re very smart, that’s all I’m going to say. You’re very aware of what’s going on. It’s very reflective of every relationship, that’s usually the case in the beginning. But that’s what I mean about waiting to see what’s going to happen. I think we’re all anxiously waiting to find out how it will play out."

    This means I wasn't crazy in picking up that something is "off" with Booth and Hannah's relationship. :D I feel much better now, 'cuz if he can't show his true self to Hannah, whom he supposedly loves, I don't think they're going to last very long...

  10. I suspect he told Hannah that they would go catch the bad guy together to stop Hannah going off like a loose canon and getting herself in deep do-do with a crooked cop. At least then he might be able to control the situation and keep her safe.

  11. "If he had a feeling at all that things weren't right with him and Hannah, he would break it off."

    Maybe if he was more emotionally aware-- but if he is pushing his feelings for Brennan away and trying to use Hannah as a surrogate -- he wouldn't have the strength to do that. He already started overcompensating by saying Hannah was serious as a heart attack before she showed up as a way to battle his feelings for Brennan. Because of his gambler nature he's also not really the type to stop because of his own limitations. If anything he would try even harder to prove he had real feelings for Hannah-- which is basically why this relationship blew up in his face.
