Season 6, Episode 7
The Babe in the Bar
The slowest of the slow
episode thus far this season for B&B. There's an obvious reason
for this, but alas, it involves spoilers, so I'll be discussing it at
the end of the post.
So, instead, let's talk
about a few random tidbits before I get into the main thing about B&B
I got from this episode. Like I laughed so hard I choked on my own
spit a little when Brennan started doing the oompa loopa dance with
Booth even though she had no idea what it was. Yeah.
And also, Booth wearing
the shower cap. It looked like he put it on like a hat. SO FUNNY.
However, I forgot
completely about the hilarity of that when it got to the last scene
and Mr. Nigel Murray is all “I beg of you not to look at me
directly”. THAT was one of the funniest moments of the show in
… at least, until
Brennan was all “Yay, wonderful, baby!” again and again. They are
all such bad actors, I can't even stand it (the characters, DUH, not
the actors themselves.) Positively hilarious.
So. Random tidbits out of
the way, there's something new happening in this episode. It has to
do with Bones and her super-literalness. Yes, as we all know, she's
gone back to being super-literal as a means of protecting herself,
the more literal she is outside, the more hurt she is on the inside,
blahblahblah. Her super-literalness has always been funny.
However, that is starting
to change. Bones and her super-literalness is starting not to be
funny sometimes because Booth is starting to react more and more
negatively. Like with the chocolate technique scene, for example,
when she goes on about how it's not a science but a technique.
Normally, he would just be like “Bones!” in a cute-annoyed way,
or something else in the annoyed-but-joking realm. This time, he just
brushed her off. And not in an annoyed-but-joking way. In a simply
annoyed way. And this happens more than once in this episode.
Whenever she was literal
before, he responded in a jokey-joke way. But now, she is like that
ALL the time. And Booth has always dealt with it, yes. But 1) he
can't take it ALL the time. It's not who he is. And 2) She had
stopped being so super-literal all the time for quite awhile, so he
got used to the frequency in which she was super-literal. Now that
it's shot up again, he's not used to it.
And the fact that Booth
automatically thinking she'll be all like “It's just chemicals
dummy” were they to talk about love... is not good news. Well, it's
good news for the sake of dramatics. But otherwise... the image of
her in his head is morphing from a progressing, emotionally-growing,
changing Brennan to a Brennan that is set her in ways, a Brennan who
doesn't believe in love, a Brennan that can no longer be changed. And
so in his head, any sort of hope that was hiding in the back of his
head is dissipating. Of course, that's not to say it can't come back
were she to display that she IS, in fact, still the same growing,
changing Brennan that gave him hope for their future before, but that
is where they are right now.
There's also still that
whole “But she's trying to use more idioms, be more socially
knowledgeable!” argument, to which I have the fact that the way
she's going about it is wrong. “Objectively it was very funny!”
“Love is an idiot... personifying a non-human entity is poetic!”
Saying why something is poetic makes it not poetic. It's how she's
going about being non-literal using reason and logic, which is the
same as her being super-literal. I dare say it's more tragic than in
the beginning when she simply didn't know what any of these things
meant: now, she wants to know
what they mean, but she can't.
She gets too literal too
often, he's going to get annoyed with her, and things won't end well.
She's super-literal because she's hurting about him (which neither of
them will admit), he gets annoyed, she gets more hurt so she gets
more literal, he gets more annoyed... it's a bad cycle that something
or someone is going to have to intervene in in order to end. This is
just going to make things more difficult for them. Like I said
before, things are going to get a little worse for them before they
get better. And I think this is part of that.
I realize this is a more
despairing idea than I normally have to say, so I give you this for
consolation: yes, it may get worse before it gets better. But the
fact that it gets worse now will just make the comeback even better
than it would have been otherwise. They'll have been through more;
the stakes will be higher. It'll payoff.
But in the meantime, we
can all mentally smack Booth upside the head for ditching Angela's
pregnancy announcement party to go have sex with Hannah.
I agree. I didn't like how Booth was being a jerk for most of the episode. It feels like he's pulling away from the squint squad, which is sad. He's losing his family. :(
ReplyDeleteThe Bren-centric episode is scheduled for December 9 now, the episode that was supposed to go after the Bren-centric one is now going before it, on December 2, in which Hannah finally meets Parker, and Hannah admits she's not good with kids.
oh leila - how do I thank you for trying to make some rational sense of such a sad situation :(
ReplyDeleteI really appreciate it - but have no idea how you do it. However it is that you manage to do this, just keep doing it. This blog is one of my bastions of hope.
Gees that sounded deep.
Anyway, love your stuff. I am very keen to see the next 2 eps. Can't help wondering though, given they've switched the order, whether there'll be anything in the next ep that doesn't quite fit...
I liked your assessment of Booth's behavior. And your post made me think of something, sort of expanding.
ReplyDeleteYou said that " the image of her in his head is morphing from a progressing, emotionally-growing, changing Brennan to a Brennan that is set her in ways, a Brennan who doesn't believe in love, a Brennan that can no longer be changed." (So so tragic but true). He waited for her for five years, believing she was changing, believing that he could make her believe in love and she would eventually be ready. Then she says that she couldn't change. So now he assumes that all the progress that they had made was just him imagining and hoping and wasn't real. He is going back to seeing her the way he did after they kissed during their very very first case.
Also, no one here is ever negative the way they are on other blogs and on forums but just to put it out there because you seem to appreciate commentators ideas:
If Booth had been able to come back and act completely normal and as he did before, it would have proved that his feelings for Brennan weren't that serious and that he wasn't affected that badly by what happened. By having him react so out of character, it is showing how much it did/still does affect him and how much he is unable to get past what happened. It proves that his feelings for Brennan are real. That is my opinion anyway.
You could be right.
ReplyDeleteSad Brennan was already hard enough and now we have this new Booth.
Bones has become so damn frustrating.
Next episode is Hannah meets Parker while Bones observes. How good would it be if Parker said something like: I thought you loved Dr. Bones in front of everybody (meaning Hannah).
Anyway, one more really frustrating episode.
Is it going to take all season? My pacience for frustrating episodes is wearing very thin.
The belt buckle is no longer hope enough for me. I need the writers to show me some hope and I'm puting all my bets in the 9th Brennan-centric episode.
I am excited about the Brennan-centric episode, but is anyone else worried that they can move an episode that was supposed to be after all of this dramatic stuff goes down to the episode before it instead? Do they just ignore whatever happens in the Brennan-centric episode to such a degree that it can easily be moved in the schedule?
Ashley: Thanks for the info!
ReplyDeleteLinda: Glad that my blog is a "bastion of hope" for you! I can certainly say I've never gotten THAT one before, haha.
I'm really interested to see how things are now that they've changed the order of these episodes too. Does anyone know if they have a logistical reason for doing it, or did they switch them for solely creative reasons?
Drea: I completely agree with what you said about Booth acting OOC. That's exactly it. Booth acting, well, not like Booth, is actually GOOD news for the B&B shippers in the long run.
Carioca22: That would be so huge, omg. I actually wouldn't be surprised if Parker made some reference to B&B at some point, though. From a showrunner's point of view, how better to get things said and out-in-the open that these normal, repressed adults wouldn't say, than through the device of an innocent, unknowing child? ;)
This definitely seems like a season-long process we're going through, BUT I'm thinking that more than likely, we're going to see some progress, even if just a little bit, in the Brennan-centric episode. So don't give up yet :)
Karen: I was thinking about that too, which is why I asked if anyone knew if they moved it for logistical or creative reasons. Part of me thinks that if it wasn't for some logistical reason, it might be because they DID ignore whatever happens in the Brennan-centric episode a little too much in the episode that was supposed to come after it, realized it too late (once final cuts had been made and whatnot), and then decided to switch the episodes instead of enduring the wrath of fans upset about lack of aftermath (which everyone would be mad about, including me). It's conjecture, but it's a possibility.
I believe I read in a spoiler HH saying that they pushed the Brennan-centric forward because this episode would be a better midseason finale.
ReplyDeleteMAYBE they decided it in time to take the references of the Brennan-centric one out of the 8th episode. Better than to think this episode was so out of tune with the Brennan-centric one that they could move it around. :S
Carioca22: Ohhhh... that definitely would make a lot of sense.
ReplyDeleteAnd yeah, since we don't know exactly when they made this decision, we don't know exactly how much re-editing they could do and whatnot, so it's quite possible they just went in and took out references to the Brennan-centric.
I wonder if Booth was reluctant to go the the FF because he didn't want to have to answer questions about Hannah and their relationship, particularly from the likes of Cam who probably knows him better than anyone there and might just see things he didn't want her to see. Just a thought.