Monday, September 6, 2010

In Which They Must Hold

Season 3, Episode 1
The Widow's Son in the Windshield

FANGIRL MOMENT: When he's on top of her when he thinks a bomb is going to go off in the vault... oh yes, please. Heehee. <3

Most of the B&B-related stuff in this one is mostly Brennan avoiding going in the field, Booth wanting to know, and him eventually figuring out that she's mad because he didn't stop Zach from going to Iraq, and most of his explanation for that is, well, self-explanatory.

But then, there's this:
BOOTH: Look, there’s something else I gotta know, and it’s important. We solid?
BRENNAN: You and me? Yeah!
BOOTH: No, not just you and me. Squints, too. Zack is back for good. Angela and Hodgins have their head back in the game. Cam, she’s locked in.
BRENNAN: Why are you asking me this?
BOOTH: Because. You and me – the center.
BRENNAN: (Nods) And the center must hold.
BOOTH: Right. So, are we gonna hold?
BRENNAN: Yeah. We’ll hold. We’re the center.
BOOTH: The center. (She holds out her hand. He cautiously takes it. And she shakes it.)

The center must hold. Which, in a way, is putting a further moratorium on them as a couple, because they can't be having emotional what-nots while the rest of the team is depending on them to hold. But, in another way, it's also a promise of sorts, that they're never going to get so angry or upset at each other that they can't be together, work or otherwise. Because they're the center, and they're going to hold. So if shit happens, they'll work through it.

It's a promise that they will hold, not just for the team, but for themselves.

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