Season 3, Episode 2
The Soccer Mom in the Mini-Van
Again, most character stuff wasn't revolved around B&B, but this time, around Brennan's situation with her father.
Booth played a part, of course.
BOOTH: What? As opposed to what? Sugar coating it? 'Hey, what do you say we go to the park oh and by the way, your mom just got blown up?' How's your dad? You haven't mentioned him.BRENNAN: Apparently, his feet hurt.
BOOTH: You know, I mean his spirits.
BRENNAN: Well, he's a con man, Booth. He's always cheerful.
BOOTH: What? That's it?
BRENNAN: It's not like I ever really had a father. Max was absent for years.
BOOTH: Well, here's what I know. I know that Nash girl would give anything to spend one more day with her mother. I'm sure you'd feel the same way if something happened to your father.
Typical Booth/Bones, right there. Bones has an emotional situation she doesn't know how to deal with, or that she wants to deal with the wrong way, and Booth helps her out. Nothing to do with them, but at the same time, everything to do with them, because that's what they do. He tells her what she doesn't want to hear because it'll help her out in the end. And he wants her to be happy.
BRENNAN: I saw my father.
BOOTH: Wow. I didn't think that you were gonna – do that.BRENNAN: As an Anthropologist, I accept change as the natural order of things - but with him I didn't allow for transformation. Ya know, I predicated his behavior based on a set of outmoded preconceptions. It wasn't rational.
BOOTH: Wow. I - I didn't get any of that.
BRENNAN: If I was conducting an objective experiment on my father, observing his behavior, I'd have to conclude that he loves me.
BOOTH: Hmm. Why? What happened?
BRENNAN: We played cards.
BOOTH: Cool.
BRENNAN: I killed him.
BOOTH: Good for you.
Oh, Drunk!Booth makes me smile.
FANGIRL MOMENT: Oh man, when he kind of falls against her at the end... say it with me now: TOO. CUTE.
I love the way he imparts these 'life-lessons' to her so gently, without preaching or lecturing. And she takes it on board, in general. He really has worked out how she ticks.