Friday, September 24, 2010

In Which They Meet Again, After Seven Months

Season 6, Episode 1
The Mastodon in the Room

Season six. Well.
I can't even think of a sentence, or several, to really sum everything up without actually going bit-by-bit first.

Let's go.

-Sweets. The beard. And the hair. NO. Do not want. That is not Sweets.
-Wendell's beard, on the other hand, I enjoyed. Quite a bit.
-But back to Sweets, him and Daisy... I don't actually care much about them at all, but still, I have a feeling they'll be back together at some point. I'm not going to guess when, because last time I did that with a couple, I was about a season and a half off. But I'd be willing to say they're more likely to get back together at some point rather than not. I might be wrong, though. They might not do that, since that's the route they went with Angela and Hodgins, and they don't want to do the same thing.
-Cam looks GLAM. I love it.
-Those white lab coats look awful and wrong on them and it is upsetting.
-I love that Angela's pregnant. I've known for a while thanks to spoilers, so it wasn't a surprise but all the stuff about it was cute and enjoyable.

Now, to B&B things.

I love that she's still talking about Booth, even seven months later in Indonesia. “I'm finding it interesting that I'm only scared of snakes when Booth is around to jump on. ” (or something of that meaning). The way she talks about him, too, is just like how she did when she talked about something he did or said to someone else before: without emotional connotation, but the fact that she's talking about him at all has an emotional connotation.

The looks on their faces when they see each other again for the first time... that just might be my favorite moment of the episode. Not even the hug, just the way they look at each other once they find each other... especially Bones. It's so magical when a simple look can say so much, can give off so much feeling, and this one does. “Monumental” is the first word I think of, despite how vague it is. You can just feel how happy she is to see him (and him, her), how happy she is that he's not hurt, how it's been a long time since they've seen each other.

It's monumental.

And, of course, the hug is great too. One of their more emotional ones, even though she's not all wrapped up in him and whatnot.

That whole moment is just played so freaking well. I love it.

And then of course, one of the first things she asks him is if it was dangerous, which basically says that all that stuff in the last few episodes about being so concerned about him getting hurt both emotionally and physically still stands. He's aware of her concern, of course, so he doesn't tell her that it was, in fact, dangerous.

Her insisting on changing it to “do you mean, did I have sex with anyone?” when he goes “did you meet anyone special?” is frustrating and logical at the same time. She's believes she's incapable of “special”, that she's incapable of love, as was determined last season. Still, her continued insistence of romance and love simply not being part of her life now or in the future throughout the episode shows that she's possibly regressed a bit in her emotional development, thanks to her separation from Booth and the fact that he's actually moved on, which again, makes perfect sense, but is also just damn frustrating.

Oh god, when he's all like “Serious as a heart attack” and she goes “Heart attacks are very serious”, and he says “Yes, they are. Very serious” and his face gets all somber... and her guard slips up for a second, and her face just falls. I didn't notice it the first time around, but watching that scene again, you can see her face just positively falls for a second, before she changes the subject very quickly. Of course, right afterward, she packs the feeling away, sticks it way down, and is saying “Booth fell in love” later on without so much as a flinch, but right then, it hurts her. But there's nothing she can do to change it, she thinks; she made her choice. So she sticks the feeling away. But in that moment, when it's all processing... her face says it all. And it's heartbreaking.

The revelation of the existence of Hannah was incredibly abrupt. I'm kind of glad they did it that way, though. I mean, it makes sense. They've been apart for seven months, and while they'll always be Booth and Bones, things are bound to be a little awkward at first, and so they're not going to get into this big thing about what happened with them, or even anything implying it. They're not ready to have a big thing, or even a kind of medium sized thing, yet. They need to get back in a rhythm. A big or even medium-ish thing would mess things up before they even got started again.

But, let's take this time to mention how Hannah is Booth's always-doomed “type” - pretty long-haired blond. First Rebecca, then Tessa. While the existence of Hannah is in no way comforting, it's at least more comforting than if his girlfriend was NOT his always-doomed type.

(and, in relation to that, I find it interesting that they had Bones dye her hair darker. Perhaps to increase the contrast between his ever-doomed type and Bones? Perhaps.)

When Cam is all “We had a great thing going, and you let it all apart”
Hmm, that could definitely have more meaning than just about the group (not from Cam, obviously, but just, in general.) Perhaps.

In the first few scenes in the FBI, I spy no funky tie or Cocky belt buckle. This is disconcerting.

Booth's whole “Move on, give yourself a chance to be happy” speech to Sweets is disconcerting to me. Not the speech itself as much as the fact that it's not laced at all with any sort of hidden feeling about the whole thing. He seems truly one hundred percent happy that he has “moved on”, which is good, but it's just like, it'd be a little reassuring if there had been just a slight hint of... Booth hiding SOMETHING about what he's feeling about the whole thing.

But, I mean, characters say things with complete conviction that aren't really true all the time. So I'm not to worried. And plus, his insistence that everything is completely great in "moving on" could likely be a typical Brennan mechanism; insisting everything is perfect in order to hide that's not. Not that it's not great, but nothing is entirely great, and his insisting that it is more than likely means he's hiding certain feelings about it.

There's when she's talking about how he needs a committed romantic relationship to be happy. It goes back to the whole “I love you so much that I must let you go” idea. She sees that that's the kind of thing he needs to be happy. She doesn't think she can provide it, and she loves him so much that his happiness is what is more important to her than anything. So, despite any feeling she might have, she lets him go, to have his committed romantic relationship.

Another thing that bothered me was that she supposedly only dreamed of Booth in the context of them solving murders together. I love that her previous doubt about whether solving murders was really what she wanted to do or not was squashed by these dreams, but at the same time, I don't believe she realistically would only dream about him in that context, not with everything that had happened, not with all her undealt-with feelings.

But, I also have a couple justifications for this. First, it's highly likely that she wouldn't say to Angela if she dreamed romantically about Booth, as to avoid Angela trying to get her to deal with feelings she didn't want to deal with, feelings that might be especially hard to deal with now that she knows Booth is with someone. Second, it goes back to the idea that them as partners, them solving murders together, is the base of the pyramid of their relationship. So much of what she feels about him, her admiration of him, part of the “white knight” situation, etc., is based in their partnership. So, dreams about them in that context necessarily aren't NOT romantic in some ways, or at least have some romantic aspects to them in Bones' mind, because for Bones', a lot of their partnership spills over into their romantic aspects of their relationship.

I love them bickering about which of them decided to leave before the other... a nice reminder of how some things never change.

I call bullshit, again, on her wanting to go back to the islands as opposed to staying, at first. But, I sniff a justification: she does not want to deal with her feelings. Booth has someone else. This means she ESPECIALLY doesn't want to deal with her feelings now. What better place to not deal with feelings than on the other side of the planet?

And then, finally, later on, I SPY THE COCKY BELT BUCKLE! All is well with the world.

We've worked around bigger” is the closest time they get to mentioning all the shit that's gone down. Yes, they've had some big shit gone down. They worked around it. And they'll continue to work around it. And now, it's back to that, exactly: work. In a way, yes, it's like they're starting over. But I'm beginning to think that's not necessarily a bad thing. Because they're not really starting all the way over. They still have all their history, all their feelings, everything they've been through, and of course, their Booth and Bones “essence”. It's just that those feelings are pushed back way far down again. But they're the unexpected couple – they can't get together in the expected way, with Emotional!Booth leading the way. The unexpected couple has to get together in the unexpected way – it's got to be Brennan. And once they get to that point, they'll be so much stronger than if they had gotten together before, because Bones will be so much more emotionally developed, for her to get to that point where she can open herself up like that and believe that she does, in fact, have a warm and open heart.

Welcome home, Booth” “Welcome home, Bones” is the only part that might be tied with the look in the beginning as my favorite moment of the episode. Like I said, things might be different now, but they are home. Together, they are home.

And then, of course, there's her lingering stare at him. This might also tie as my favorite moment. That look is so full of love it would almost make me sick, if it wasn't so damn (here's that word again) poignant.

I like to think that's a sign for this season, which involves another “p” word – pining. It would be nice to see Bones be the one pining for once, and I think there's a chance we'll finally get to see it a but. 

As a last note, since we're done with the episode and so this will make sense now, this is another of those titles that has meaning: The Mastodon in the Room. A Mastodon is what was on the lab platform at the end. Basically, it's a prehistoric elephant. So, it's basically "The Elephant in the Room". Remember how earlier I was talking about how they don't mention at all what happened with them before they left, and how the subject of Hannah is glossed over quickly? 

Yeah, that's why. Their situation is the elephant in the room. How long it will remain an elephant can't quite be told yet. 


Remember that roller coaster thing I talked about? How this first episode was supposed to be the really scary part of the ride that makes you go “OH GOD WHY DID I EVEN GET ON THIS THING?!”?
Well, as it turns out, that's not till next week.
I was under the impression that we'd meet Hannah in this episode. Turns out, it's not until next week.
Now, really, it's like you're getting to that scary part in the roller coast and you're freaking out and dreading it but just wanting to get it over with so you can appreciate it once it's over... and it's just taking a tad bit longer than you thought it would to get started.


  1. You have to admit... everything about the premiere was disconcerting... Everyone wanted to say stuff to each other and they were holding back... It smells like a big explosion...

  2. Eh, I definitely get what you're saying about everyone holding things back, but I think that's part of HH's strategy. He knows that some crazy shit went down at the end of last season. He knows the fans are all riled up about. I think he kind of wanted to ease us back into things, after all this emotional stuff last season.

    And also, they've all been separated for seven months. They're not going to be saying what they feel left and right after being separated that long. I think they needed to be eased back into things too. They'll fall back into their routine easily enough pretty soon, I think, but definitely not without some mini-explosions along the way.

    Honestly, though, the blog is me looking at everything objectively (or at least with an edge of objectivity) and trying to keep an open mind about it and all, but when it comes to my gut feeling about it, yeah, most of the episode felt disconcerting to me. It's hard to really look at it now though, because it's a part of this next part of their story that we don't know much about yet.

  3. Yes but still we have to get our instincts in to the mix. I think HH made Cam say out loud what everyone wants to say. " When you have a good thing you don't ruin it for anything"

    Booth was so weird. And Sweets mirrored him. Booth was all about trying to convince everyone he's moved on... He went as far as suggesting that Sweets should move on because everything is sweet in " Move-on land". He's not fooling me.

    Brennan wanted to tell Angela that she's pissed at herself for making a huge mistake but she couldn't. She wants to stay calm for Booth.

    But they will explode sometime... and when they do... oh when they do... it's gonna be so fucking awesome...

  4. I totally agree. It's going to be so fucking awesome.

  5. We are indeed in the low curve of the roller coaster, I can accept that and go through that. BUT I still think the high curve has got to show up this season. Even if it's in the last episode. What a frakking cliffhanger that would be tough!

  6. I think it was interesting the concept of a lynchpin was introduced so many times. I think that since the center didn't hold as Booth and Brennan went to different places and split up the team, they need a new reason as to why they stick together as a team.

  7. Finally: insightful, interesting and overall positive and objective.
    Thank God.
    So sick of reading the negative crap.
    I have you bookmarked.
    This'll be fun.

  8. Carioca22: I agree, talk about cliffhanger of the CENTURY. Haha.

    Anon 1: As saddening as that idea is, that definitely makes a lot of sense. Because they didn't hold, they needed a reason to stick together again, and that was Caroline. BUT, they never really addressed the idea that them, B&B, together, would be the lynchpin, they only ever argued about them as individuals being it, so one argue that Caroline being the lynchpin was a temporary thing to bring them back together, and with B&B working together again, the role of lynchpin is transferred back to them.
    (it's a stretch, yes, but the idea of them being the center and not holding makes my little fangirl heart sad inside, lol).

    Anon 2: Thanks so much :) There is definitely a lot of negativity out there, and while I may get cynical at some points, I feel like nearly everything they've done in the show, in this journey B&B are on, has made sense according to the situations and characters they've established, and I try to point that out. Glad you're looking forward to the rest of it :)

  9. I, too, am glad that your blog is positive. I hate all the negativity out there and have stopped reading the negative comments because I'm sick of them.

    Btw. I personally think that the mastodon in the room is not (only) their situation, it is also Hannah. She's the obstacle in their way, but they will eventually work around it. Because, yes, they've worked around bigger.

    Now, we're merely two episodes into the new season and you already talk about cliffhangers. Let me join in, haha. I actually already talked about the season 6 cliffhanger during the hiatus :D. I think we'll get a cliffhanger a la House season 6 cliffhanger. For those who don't watch House: Cuddy admitted her love to House and they kissed. Now I still can't see Bones telling Booth "I love you", but we still have 21 episodes left. I can definitely see them kissing though. Maybe this is only wishful thinking (but one can dream, can't you?).

    I like the way they're taking the show, although as a whole I found the premiere a bit discomforting (I think this was due to the unusual environment and the general awkwardness that reigns if you meet someone after seven months. Basically they have to feel each other out again. And get their daily routine back.

  10. Seeing Hannah as the mastodon in the room as well definitely makes perfect sense.

    I could definitely see a kiss without admittance of love happening; I could see a kiss WITH admittance of love happening (although not so direct); I could see some sort of admittance of feelings or love happening without any physical repercussions happening; I could see the whole damn shebang happening. Honestly, with the jumps and risks this show has taken before that NOBODY was expecting, I could see any of it happening this season; it just depends where they take them in all the episodes BEFORE the end of the season.

    The premiere definitely felt a bit off, but just like you said, the different setting, the awkwardness after being apart for so long, etc., requires some stable footing before comfort reigns again. I think also that that's why they held off on bringing in Hannah until the second episode; it just would have been too much change and discomfort to deal with at once.

  11. I wasn't suprised that Booth met and fell in love with Hannah while in Afganastan.
    In an earlier episode where they were at the funeral of one of their co-workers and Booth is going in to question the Cleopatra looking lady, he asks Brennan to go away because he is able to be "devastatingly charming" when she's not watching him.
    In Afganastan, he has some time away from Bones so he was able to woo Hannah.
    If they were around eachother, Booth never would have been able to date someone else. Especially with all the questions Bones would have been asking. She would have been putting the seeds of doubt in his head like she's been trying to do now.

    1. G: Holy crap I love that observation. Makes so much sense. Of course while I think in general he wouldn't be able to fall in love with anyone else when Bones was around, as you said, the specific circumstances you spelled out in regards to that general idea are the spot-on details that make that idea even more concrete. Rad :)
