Thursday, August 26, 2010

In Which The Fangirls Swoon

Season 1, Episode 15
The Two Bodies in the Lab

Oh, my.
THIS episode.


Bones: Look, I am an adult Booth. I see men. I go out with them on occasion. I sleep with them.
Booth: Hey, you know what?  That’s cool but you don’t even know who this guy is that you’re meeting.
Bones: I have trekked through Tibet avoiding the Chinese army.  I think I can handle meeting someone for dinner.
Booth: Fine, you know what? You have fun with Dick431 or whatever his handle is.
Bones: Yeah I will.
Booth: Good.
Bones: Thanks.
Booth: Fine.

Oh my, just look at all that delicious tension right there! Classic as apple pie, baseball, and The Three Stooges.

But it doesn't matter all that much anymore, because a couple scenes later, Bones gets shot at.

Booth goes into protective mode and tries to get her to stop work on the case, which of course she refuses to do, and so he goes with the second best option, not letting her out of his sight.


NON B&B OBSERVATION: It bugs the crap out of me when they're searching Hollings' apartment and they're touching EVERYTHING without gloves on. /end nit-picky

FANGIRL MOMENT (there seem to be more of these as the series goes on): Oh, the dancing to Hot Blooded. Such a classic B&B moment I can hardly stand it (in a good, “omg this is just too cute”, way). And of course, this is basically the first time that we see that they get to be silly in any way shape or form together. Another item off the checklist.

Then, we have the big one. Where he is literally her white knight, coming in at the last minute to save her when Kenton's about to kill her. And oh my gosh, their embrace, him comforting her, the “it's ok, you're ok, it's all over”... oh lord, way to make a fangirl positively swoon.

And, the last scene. In which Brennan cancels her dinner, because “her head still hurts”. I swear, these two are the king and queen of false reasons for doing things. He saved her life, himself, even though he was still badly injured. Of course she's going to stay with him.

She tries to lean on the side of his bed, which he protests against, since it hurts his arm. It can be seen as a metaphor, though – after him saving her life, after that embrace, she feels closer to him, but goes just a little too close for his comfort, as of then. That embrace falls under the category of a reaction to a near-death situation.

(say it with me, now)

For now.



  1. Very good points.

  2. Hey you're my hero. I'm Penelope from the thread. Keep up the good job

  3. This was a wonderful episode, really well-constructed and very suspenseful - the first time I watched it, it kind of felt like a film, there was just so much going on. Oh... and it had Adam Baldwin too. Marvelous stuff.
