Sunday, March 13, 2011

In Which She's Standing Right Beside Him

Season 6, Episode 15
The Killer in the Crosshairs

Let me just say first off that I absolutely adore the fact that I no longer have begin watching a new episode in fear that the first scene will be a Booth/Hannah cutesy and/or sex scene. I VERY much like that.

And let me continue on with talking about that first scene. And the fact that he appears out of nowhere and is running with her. Now, we can assume that, being the close “partners” they are, he's known for awhile that she runs in this area around this time. And so he just decides to sneak up on his “partner” one day and go running with her. No big deal, right?

They get to the coffee cart, and he's won, so he says. But no, she tries to claims she won using science, and he calls her on it, of course, but he's a humble winner, so he buys the coffee. But only because he's a humble winner, because they're just “partners”.

And then, there's the war lecture. Oh, he'll go with her to that, if she wants some “company”. But... it's a LECTURE, Booth. A fancy-smarty-pants lecture. “But it's war!” he says, as he brushes it off. And so it gets dropped.

But, um. It's a LECTURE.

Do “partners” go to lectures with their partner even though it's the last thing they would normally do in their spare time, only in order to give their partner “company”?

Juuuuuuust saying.

(This'll come up again later.)

Then there's this whole business of her pointing out to him all his similarities to the sniper. And of course, this upsets Booth. So why does Bones do it, then? Well, first, she's Bones, and doesn't always get that she maybe shouldn't say things, no matter how logical, if it is upsetting someone. Second, though, I think she doesn't relent on it because, out of love, she knows she has to keep him honest. Not that there's anything to be kept honest about, but what I mean is that there ARE parallels between Booth and the sniper, and he needs to be confronted with them in order to affirm for himself that he is better than Broadski. In his subconscious, he knows that these parallels exist, but he can't allow himself to think about them, even though he needs to do so. So Brennan makes him.

And then we have a Protective!Booth moment to rid the mind of the complicatedness of all that, though, when he insists she stay in the car, and also a Defiant!Brennan moment when she's like “OH HEY RAVENS!” and jumps out of the car without hesitation.

But, uh-oh, Booth's having some ~serious~ times. He goes to Sweets, he's upset that Bones thinks killing is nothing for him. He cares what she thinks about him.
But when Sweets suggests he talk to Brennan about it?

“I don't go there anymore, it's over.”

Oh, yeah, Booth, you definitely don't go there anymore. Not at all. That's why you're so upset because you think she thinks poorly of your character. That's why you're going with her to a lecture you would never go to otherwise, just because you want to keep her company.

Yeah, sure, it's “over”.

It's ok, though, because his worry is (at least temporarily) put to ease in the ~super-intense~ scene when they're shooting at Broadski. When he asks her just to trust him, and she says “I trust you.”
She doesn't think he's bad, she doesn't think he thinks killing is “nothing”. She trusts him, not just in general, when everything's fine, but in that high-stakes, make-or-break moment. Even in life-or-death situations, she trusts him. And he gets that.

And, as always, we have the aftermath scene. Founding Fathers. And Booth is still upset that she thinks him and Broadski are alike.
(Let me just say first though that although they didn't make it into a moment or anything, when she says “You can't say 'forget it' to your partner, you taught me that”, I melt into a puddle of fandork goo because I love anytime they talk about him teaching her things.)

She breaks it down for him: from where she stands, Broadski is bad and Booth is good.
And he accepts that, because even though he still can't quite deal with the fact that they have any similarities at all, he can see that that is not what matters. What matters is that she thinks he is good and Broadski is bad.

And then, the big one. The Hart Hanson “I'm going to make those fandorks squee like hell” line.

“I'm standing right beside you, Booth, as always. And I always will.”

I, for one, take this as not just a promise from Brennan, but a statement from TPTB (which they have been doing off and on all season, really): even if it seems like shit's going bad for them, they will still have hope, because they will always be there for each other.
She is standing beside him, now, and always.


  1. I just wanted to comment to say that I'm so glad you're back! Really, your posts are the best of the pack. I was finally able to watch the last episode, and loved it, but I feel like I need to watch it again to absorb everything and discuss. I will be sure to leave another comment once I do.


  2. I just wanted to comment to say that I'm so glad you're back! Really, your posts are the best of the pack. I was finally able to watch the last episode, and loved it, but I feel like I need to watch it again to absorb everything and discuss. I will be sure to leave another comment once I do.


  3. Erm...sorry for the double post (now, triple). You'd think this was my first time using the interwebs.

  4. Hi, only to say that the running scene is the most romantic scene ever... so intimate and so real!

  5. The running scene was beyond adorable. They are too cute!
    I also loved how Caroline totally didn't buy that Booth wanted to go to a lecture on war, she knows it was to be with Brennan. I love her relationship with Booth too, she really does have a soft spot for him.
    Since I know that you love parallels about as much as I do I wanted to point one out, not sure if it actually counts but for me it does. That last scene at the bar, when Brennan said she would always be by his side, it really reminded me of in season 3 when Booth promised that he wouldn't betray her.

  6. As I said in the previous post, I loved the running scene, I think that I could see it thousands times! But I loved the ravens scene, too.
    Booth has always been protective with her, but in this scene it seems to me to see more Seely and less Booth, more the man and less the FBI agent. He wants to protect his Temperance...
    In the bar moment I loved that Bones said 'I always will'... very touching.

  7. great post as always, I really loved this episode.. everything worked for me.. i squee'd at a few parts on this episode cause i know where its going to lead to eventually and it kinda restored my faith that the writers havent totally lost it :)

  8. Besides the opening running scene which I watched like 10 times already...BOOTH WAS IN THE LAB!!!!!!!!! For the first time since the first ep of the season when it was an Ice Age exhibit he was back in the lab. I don't care that it was just with Hodgins for a short bit, he was there!!!! :)

  9. I LOOOOOOVED THIS EP. It was brilliant.

    I absolutely love Caroline, she is just an awesome character and I pretty much like every ep with her in it. Love her relationship with Booth too - how she totally didn't buy that he actually wanted to go to a lecture!

    All the Billy Gibbons stuff was hilarious. And can I just say - THE HODGELA BABY IS GOING TO BE NAMED AFTER BOOTH OR BRENNAN?! AWWWWWWW!

    And the last scene, despite the lack of "moment", was one of my favorite B&B moments all season. It was so honest and real. Actually, all the B&B scenes were like that... the running scene, the ravens, everything.

    The one and only thing I didn't like was the lack of Cam. I like her haircut though. :)

    Seriously, this was BONES at its best. Thanks for the great review!

  10. A while ago someone posted a study of Booth's personality, eve HH tweeted about it. In that she discussed how Booth used Brennan as a mirror, as I watched this episode I noticed that he kept looking at her almost as if to check himself in his mirror. One if the many reasons why her reaction to the sniper and any chance she was thinking they were the same. If Brennan thinks he is bad!!! He would be in serious trouble!


  11. T: Double posting is understandable, haha.

    Anonymous: SERIOUSLY. When I saw it, I thought that that scene could easily be taken from some fluff fan fiction series of their married life together or something lol.

    Drea: Hm, I hadn't thought of that before, but I'm liking it! :)

    Christin: Oh my goodness, I hadn't realized that! That's HUGE. His being back in the lab DEFINITELY signifies something, haha.

    Grace: Oooh, that's a really neat concept, and I totally agree with it. It kind of goes with how they're complements for each other and some of the ways in which psychologically they use each other: because they're such opposites superficially, they get a more accurate outside view of themselves because it is more objective, but because they have they are the same at their more basic levels, their "reflection" of themselves from the other is still credible (i.e. not just some random person who is completely opposite from them in the important ways, because you're not going to listen to that person if they're critiquing you because you wouldn't find them credible). Booth in this episode is a great example, and it goes for Brennan as well (like when she gets so upset when she thinks he thinks she's a "cold fish" and all that).
