Saturday, September 18, 2010

In Which They're "Bad"

Season 4, Episode 23
The Beaver in the Otter

BOOTH: I mean, Jared should not go to India alone, he’ll get in all kinds of trouble.
BRENNAN: You said he’s never been alone.
BOOTH: Exactly, you know what? He’ll get eaten alive
BRENNAN: If you go with him, then he won’t be alone, you won’t let him be bad and his frontal lobe will always be the size of a raison, that’s what you said. Makes no scientific sense.
BOOTH: Yea, I said that…got it (He nods)

Scientific!Bones to the rescue, and for once she's helpful in a non-scientific situation. This is one of those cases where Booth really does have to push aside his own feelings and do what's best, in this case, what's best for his brother. He has to do what makes the most logical sense, and Bones is there to remind him. For the first time in awhile it's Bones helping Booth and not vice versa, which is good to happen every once in awhile because we need to be reminded that this is, in fact, a symbiotic relationship; he isn't there just to be a catalyst to Bones' emotional development. She has things to offer him, too.

BRENNAN: So, uh, do you…do you really think you have to be bad to be good?
BOOTH: Yeah, I do.
BRENNAN: Well, I’ve never done anything bad.
BOOTH: I believe you
BRENNAN: I mean, I’ve made mistakes, of course, but I’ve never purposely done anything bad.
BOOTH: And I believe you.
BRENNAN: I don’t want my frontal lobe to be a dried up raisin.
BOOTH: You know what? We’re going to do something bad now!
BOOTH: Have you ever dined and dashed? You know the concept, right? We’re gonna run outta here without paying the bill.
BRENNAN: No…That’s stealing
BOOTH: That’s why they call it bad. We’re doing something bad.
BRENNAN: No! No! I can’t…really? NO
BOOTH: Come on
(Booth gets up)
BRENNAN: Are you serious?
BRENNAN: Oh my God!
BOOTH: Three Go, go go
(She gets up and starts running. Booth takes out a bill from his pocket and leaves it on the bar. He runs after her)
BRENNAN: No, No, OH! We’re bad. We’re bad
BOOTH: Get in the car
BRENNAN: Woohoo! We’re baaaaad!

Oh god, I just love this. So. Much.
Mostly, how he leaves the money there when she's not looking. Because they're not bad people. They're good. That's their whole underlying common ground. But she needs to at least think she's being bad, since she has this notion that she's missing out on something by not.


  1. No it's Brennan. I though it was Booth at the time, but it is her. She knows things as facts and she knows that whatever she feels for Booth has to be put aside. Booth is the sentimental guy. He feels the burden of the world on his shoulders. I genuinely believe now he might have not realized that he was in love until the coma. Why? Because he needs to believe he is not in love with her. But Brennan knows. Because she sees everything as cold facts

  2. Oops my mistake. This comment was meant for 4x20

    Regarding the last scene of the beaver in the otter i have to say: BEST SCENE EVER

  3. I'm assuming you're talking about the whole "one of them is very aware of their attraction to the other and struggles with it daily" thing from Mayhem on a Cross? (Just clarifying since there's really nothing about that in this post.)

    If that is the case, I can definitely see where you're coming from. Up until this point (and even for a bit afterward), it is extremely gray and vague as to if either of them are aware at all of their feelings for each other, and if so, to what extent. There are two things that still make me think that it's Booth who is the one: 1) Brennan doesn't even know what the hell love is yet. A perfect example is their discussions in Cinderella in the Cardboard. She doesn't believe in love yet. She wants to, but she doesn't yet. She doesn't understand it. She has her feelings on a subconscious level, yes, but she cannot recognize them for what they are yet, and therefore can't be actively aware of them on a daily level. She doesn't think "Oh, I am uncontrollably attracted to Booth" or "I'm in love with Booth" and see it as a cold fact because she doesn't even understand what love is, and anything she doesn't understand certainly can't be a fact, in her mind. More likely, any feelings that have come up have either been dismissed in her mind as simple biological and neurological reactions, or have been tucked away deep down inside her, left undealt with.

    And 2) If you go by inductive reasoning (which tends to be the most accepted form of reasoning), it has to be Booth. The series has played it off as if it's Booth. It's from the look on his face when he is looking at her after Brennan slides her hand of his chest, and then the direct cut to Sweets looking at Booth after that. And even a few episodes before that, they begin to point to Booth (e.g. The Princess in the Pear, when Booth is on his pain medication and telling Perrota to not let anything happen to Bones, that nothing can happen to "that silky, black hair" and her "soft skin".

    While I believe the coma definitely acted as a catalyst for Booth to realize his feelings, and while he may not have fully accepted that he was in love with Bones until after the coma, I still think he was the one Gordon Gordon was talking about. He may not have fully realized his feelings for Bones yet, but I think he was definitely aware of the attraction, and struggled with it daily, as Gordon Gordon said.

  4. And I SO AGREE about the last scene of Beaver in the Otter. I giggle so much every time I watch it.

  5. Ι still think that Brennan is the super observant. She knows that what she feels for Booth she doesn't feel for anyone else. Remember in the Parts of the sum of the whole. Sweets says: You're the gambler. And the camera turns to Brennan and her face goes: Oh shit! She knows that shit is gonna go down now. What she desperetaly needs, which is for Booth never to actually ask her for more because if he does, it means that she'll lose him as a friend and as a partner. To Brennan that would be catastrophic. This is her only stable relationship. Why would she jeopardise that? For love? I don't think so. Love is ephemeral. And whether we like it or not love is in fact an ephemeral feeling. But her to Booth isn't. So I think all these years Brennan knows exactly
    what's going on and prays every day that Booth will not act upon his feelings. What she doesn't know is what slowly losing Booth might feel like, and I think she will find out this season...
