Saturday, September 18, 2010

In Which They Work on Sports Terms

Season 4, Episode 18
The Science in the Physicist

BRENNAN: I don’t know. It looks like chili con carne. There’s no single piece here bigger than the skull of an australopithecus.

BOOTH: Sports terms, Bones. Remember we talked about this.

BRENNAN: Oh um… (she demonstrates the size with her hands)

BOOTH: Ah, softball. Good, you’re getting better. Size of a softball.

The fact that they've actually talked about her using metaphors he'll understand as opposed to what she's most comfortable with using is such a great development in their relationship. It's one thing for them to do it subconsciously, or to do it themselves without really talking to the other person, but them acknowledging that they have a communication gap of sorts and actively trying to change is very notable in their work relationship, and also worth a little mark in their personal relationship as well, because for them to make things easier for each other, when they could much more easily just go “No, you have to do it my way”, takes at least a little emotional incentive on their part.

BOOTH: Look, good people. They leave marks on each other. The least we could do is let them fade away naturally, not you know, scrape them off, or paint over them with new marks.

BRENNAN: So you’re not a prude?

BOOTH: (laughs) Moi? Hey, I am a very fun and (he stands and does a little dance) very sexy guy. (Brennan laughs) That’s right.

BRENNAN: (standing) So you just think that if two people care about each other they leave metaphorical marks which should be allowed to fade naturally?

BOOTH: You heard me but you just didn’t understand me.

BRENNAN: Ya, I wonder that about you all the time. (Booth looks at her quizzically)

And, even now, Bones still sometimes doesn't get his emotional metaphors. But I like to think they stick with her (to stay with Booth's metaphor, they “make a mark” on her), and will eventually be figured out by her. Really, though, maybe I only think that because I wrote a fanfic once where that basically happens.

BOOTH: No, that is not true. Okay, listen. (he pauses) We just got to stop hanging out with geniuses because you’re going to figure out that I’m really stupid.

BRENNAN: What? Don’t worry about that. I figured out a long time ago how stupid you are.

BOOTH: (thinks about that for a sec) Hmmm

BRENNAN: What I just said is true and yet it really sounded wrong. What I should say is I don’t care how stupid you are. (Booth doesn’t say anything) It’s not any better?

BOOTH: No. No. Not at all.

No, it's not any better, Bones. But, if it were phrased differently, it would be very sweet. So let's try that.


BRENNAN: What I should say is that your level of intelligence doesn't matter to me, your personality and your awesome people skills and intuition and bravery and heart (and sexiness) do. Is that better?

That's basically what she means. And, phrased that way, it's actually very sweet. And telling. The fact that super-smart Brennan can care the way she does about Booth, someone not even close to her “intelligence” level, that she can overlook intelligence in the name of emotion, means a LOT.

1 comment:

  1. heehee very good.
    she should come with a translator like yours.
