Season 5, Episode 15
The Bones on the Blue Line
RIKU IWANAGA: Will she ever tell Andy about her affair with Ryan?
I love his shoutout to readers of Kathy Reichs' series so much. For those who don't read it: the agent that Book!Brennan has an on-again off-again thing with is named Andrew Ryan.
(speaking of which, a way in which Bones' books and Kathy Reichs' books do NOT parallel: there is not nearly as much ~sexytimes~ in Reichs' books as everyone on Bones implies that there is in Bones' books. THIS IS DISAPPOINTING.)
NON B&B OBSERVATION: Copying and pasting something in the blog post I wrote on my personal blog when this episode first aired about something that really bugs me about this episode:
I don't really buy that Angela is responsible for 25% of Brennan's writing. I totally believe that she would be the one to add in a lot of the sex stuff and a lot of the more sentimental relationship whatnots, but the whole 25% thing kind of implies that she's responsible for all of that stuff, which just can't be true, because of how Brennan wrote that whole long-ass paragraph about burdens and how they let us fly and everything in the book she deleted. That showed that she can write that type of thing, whereas this kind of implies that she can't. It doesn't make sense. I mean, like I said, I do believe having Angela being responsible for the particulars of the sex and sentimental things makes sense, but I mean, Brennan had to have come up with the original idea of Andy and Kathy having sex and getting together and whatnot. I don't know, it just seems to me like they made it seem like Brennan is completely incapable of writing anything like that, which not only just doesn't make sense.
I don't know, I think part of it is just the fact that I really liked the idea that although supposedly cold just-the-facts Brennan is writing about mostly the facts, of course, she also writes these little bits of passion and sentimentality, and it's one of the ways it shows how she's really NOT all just-the-facts.
I don't know, I think part of it is just the fact that I really liked the idea that although supposedly cold just-the-facts Brennan is writing about mostly the facts, of course, she also writes these little bits of passion and sentimentality, and it's one of the ways it shows how she's really NOT all just-the-facts.
BRENNAN: Soul mates.
BOOTH: Soul mates. Yeah.
BRENNAN: The idea of soul mates actually originated with Plato.
BOOTH: Yeah, you mean the-the clay that kids play with.
BRENNAN: No, the...Oooh. (she laughs)
BOOTH: What?
BRENNAN: You're joking.
BOOTH: Me, joke? No.
BRENNAN: No, the ancient Greek philosopher. His theory was that humans originally consisted of four arms, four legs and two faces. Zeus was threatened by their power and split them all in half, condemning us all to spend our lives trying to complete ourselves.
BOOTH: I don't believe that's true.
BRENNAN: I agree. It's ridiculous.
BOOTH: Right? Four arms. Four heads.
BRENNAN: Two faces.
BOOTH: Come on.
FANGIRL MOMENT: SHUT. UP. OMG. Seriously. I cannot handle all this business of them talking about soul mates.
Notice how in their talking about it, the part they object to when they say they don't believe it is myth, the four legs business, and NOT the actual concept. True, if they did discuss the actual concept more, Bones would still definitely object to it, and maybe even Booth would, but still, the fact that the showrunners decided not to let the conversation go in that direction says something.
In retrospect, it also says something that they chose this to be the last real discussion we see between them before the next episode and EVERYTHING CHANGES.
Hmmmm. “...spend our lives trying to complete ourselves.”
Basically, the idea for us is: Calm down, losers. They'll get together eventually, but this shit doesn't happen overnight. It takes a long time.
Of course, I didn't realize this at all while this season was airing. Which really, it might have been helpful if I had, because then I might not have freaked the fuck out like I did when I watched the next episode for the first time.
I am so glad that someone else was upset about the whole writing thing. I was really mad- like episode with Jared mad. I felt like they had Booth question her ability to have emotions in this episode like they had her questioning if Booth was a loser in the other episode. At least in that episode, she was able to realize her mistake and make ammends, but Booth walked away from this episode thinking that she couldn't come up with the relationship stuff in her books. It felt like they had him doubting that she did have deep emotions. Come on, Brennan wrote that book while Booth was in the hospital. I doubt Angela came up to the hospital to go over character development with Booth in a coma. OK, I obviously still get a little worked up over this! A few deep breaths...OK I'm better now!
ReplyDeleteGlad you were able to find someone who shares your frustration; I know how, well, frustrating it is, when it seems like nobody is angry about something you're angry about. I had never thought about the parallel with the Jared episode before, and I can definitely see that now. However, I don't think it's QUITE to that same degree, because even if he knows she doesn't write those character scenes (which I still don't buy), that doesn't mean he doesn't think she can be emotional or sentimental and whatnot. He still knows her better than anyone else, he's still the one who sees to her true core, even if SHE can't. His idea of how she can express said emotion might be slightly altered now, yes, but I think this is a minor influence on that opinion now after what she did at the end of the 100th episode.
ReplyDeleteBut yes, it's still frustrating to me too how they did that, have it be Angela write her sex parts/emotional parts, and like I said, I still don't buy it.
I don't think it implies that Angela did all that much work. It's just Brennan's way of saying thank you. Her agent gets 10%, without writing anything in the book. So Angela deserves 25% of the money. It doesn't mean that she wrote 25% of the book. :-)
ReplyDeleteUnknown: Ok that makes a lot more sense then, putting it that way. And plus I forget Brennan's already rich as HELL, so. Thanks for the perspective shift! :)