Season 3, Episode 5
Mummy in the Maze
Let me start this by saying if you are of the opinion that Catwoman is better than Wonder Woman, get out. Now.
On the list of things I am a fan of, along with Bones, near the top of the list, is Wonder Woman. I will argue till the day I die that she is the best superhero. I am dying to go to Comic-Con for two reasons: 1) to go to the Bones panel, and 2) I live for any excuse to wear my Wonder Woman costume.
This has absolutely no relevance to the post. I'm not going to say anything about Wonder Woman in relation to B&B.
It's just that Brennan wears a Wonder Woman costume for a good portion of the episode, and it's in my blood to take any opportunity to talk about Wonder Woman.
BRENNAN: I'm sorry you had to kill someone. I know you hate that.
BOOTH: Yeah, he had it coming. BRENNAN: You hate it. I'm sorry that happened to you.
BOOTH: We saved the girl. That's a pretty good date.
BRENNAN: Except not really a date.
BOOTH: I know. It was...
BRENNAN: ... work. Not a date.
BOOTH: Really, really hard one.
BRENNAN: And we're not really Wonder Woman and Clark Kent. We're Brennan and Booth.
BOOTH: Look, you're the one who brought up the date analogy.
Brennan and Booth share a moment of silence.
BRENNAN: You hungry?
Booth puts on the nerdy glasses again.
BOOTH: Yeah.
I'll quote Angela quoting Hamlet (well, actually, his mom) in the beginning of the series:
“Me thinks the lady doth protest too much.”
What was significant to me about this episode is that they each chose to affect one another's personas, which is an outward expression of how much they admire each other -- since Booth is the closest thing there is to a "real life" superhero and bones is the ultimate squint.