Wednesday, September 15, 2010

In Which Drugged!Booth Swoons Over Bones

Season 4, Episode 14
The Princess and the Pear

BOOTH: I'm not asking you to perform surgery; just do what you did last time and fix it with your magic knuckles... Look, there's no one I trust more to get my back and crack it, than *you*.
BOOTH: You want more?
BRENNAN: No, that was effective.

So not only doesn't she allow herself to be susceptible to the classic Booth charm, she allows herself to admit that she's susceptible to it. Oh my, is that some cuteness wrapped up in some emotional development I see there? Why yes, I believe so.

PEROTTA: How are you, Agent Booth?
BOOTH: The only reason that I'm not coming in right now is because Bones told me not to. But she is your responsibility. Nothing can happen to her, okay? If anything happens to her, you know, that silky black hair and... that soft skin...
PEROTTA:I will not let her out of my sight. You have my word.
PEROTTA: Please don't go out in the field without me.
BRENNAN: I don't need a sitter. Booth gets needlessly protective sometimes. I have no idea why.
PEROTTA: You really don't, do you?

OH... MY...
(wait for it)
Drugged!Booth talking about how pretty Bones is? I spy some more cuteness wrapped up in something else, it being in this instance further reaffirmation to the viewer that Booth thinks she's prettttttty. And that he wants nothing to happen to that prettiness. As trite as it might sound, she's precious to him. Like a gem. He just can't let anything happen to this gem, this pretty, cold on the outside but vulnerable on the inside, gem.

And Bones, of course, does not consciously realize, at least not yet, that she is a gem.

BOOTH: So he killed her because he loved her so much?
BRENNAN: The whole Age of Chivalry was irrational. Knights, maidens, and thank goodness we've moved through the Reformation and the enlightenment and into the age of reason. (She points to Booth’s X-rays) Do you see what I mean?
BOOTH: Not at all. I gotta tell you, I think they had it pretty good idea with the whole chivalry thing, you know, open cart doors, kill dragons, small hearts…

Oh hey, look, some setting up for the whole “white knight” thing. Of course Normal!Bones hates the age of chivalry, because Normal!Bones is Rational!Bones. But then we have Booth, her complement, her white knight, who of course loves it. He's a white knight, in his mind, to her. And he wouldn't have it any other way.

1 comment:

  1. "Her black hair..."
    Black?? That's a guy thing right? No color nuances, everything that is dark is black.
    Everything that is clear is white. And so on. :)
