Season 2, Episode 9
The Aliens in a Spaceship
This episode doesn't have much B&B related things in a large quantity. There's there little argument in the beginning when Bones compares the Gravedigger to God, and Booth won't let her go to church with him.
And there's Booth going into shut-down-emotions focus-on-case mode once Bones and Hodgins are buried.
But what it lacks in quantity, it so makes up for in quality with the last scene, especially these last lines, which are truly some of my favorites in the entire series thus far:
T.B: I’m okay with you thanking God for saving me and Hodgins.
Booth: That’s not what I thanked him for. I thanked him for saving all of us, it was all of us, every single one. You take one of us away and you and Hodgins are in that hole forever. And I’m thankful for that.
T.B: I knew you wouldn’t give up
Booth: I knew you wouldn’t give up.
The way she says it, her voice so quiet, the way he says it, her eyes welling up...
So perfectly poignant, I can't, nor do I want, to even try to say anything about it. That last scene is so simultaneously complex and yet utterly simple, no humane portion of words can do it justice.
The best Bones episode so far.