The Hole in the Heart
(Blogger was down from noon PST til late last night. I was not pleased.)
Ok. Ok.
First, just a little something before the HOLY SHIT DID THAT JUST HAPPEN LET ME DIE moment(s): How he’s immediate to tell her she’s staying at his apartment, how she’s so ok with it and ok to obey him because she knows him well enough to know when to fight him and when to not, etc. etc., I know this happens all the time with them, and I know I mention it every time, but really, I just have to note it.
Let’s talk about the fact that she’s wearing his sweatshirt to bed. She’s lying out on his couch, alone, unable to sleep because she’s tortured by all these thoughts about Vincent, she doesn’t know what to think… and she’s wearing his sweatshirt. A sweatshirt that probably smells like him, or at the very least, whatever laundry soap he uses, which I’m sure she associates with him.
This is actually really irrelevant to everything, and is nothing more than pure conjecture, but whatever, I like the thought.
Anyway. This scene is just TOO DAMN MUCH. So, we go through it bit by bit.
“Come here, no no no, Bones, you’ve got this all wrong.”
She’s standing there, crying, saying she’s a horrible person because she thinks Vincent thoughts she was making him go away. And he can’t stand to see her like that. So much that he doesn’t just tell her she’s wrong, he physically pulls her down, closer to him.
(to those who were complaining about how he didn’t comfort her more in Doctor in the Photo, there’s your make-up for that, take it or leave it. It upset him then to see her upset, and it upsets him now. It’s just that now, he can actually do something about it, and before, he could not.)
Really though, most of the actual conversation isn’t too important in regards to them, until afterward. They’ve said all that can be said at the point, but this… this is just too much for her. Words are not enough.
Just a “Can you just…?”, and he automatically responds “Yeah. That’s why I’m here”, annnnnd they fall into bed.
Now, what I originally wrote, while first watching this, was:
“Sflasdhfuishdfuisdhuifhsduifhsuidfhsuifhs fdeath forever”
(I know it doesn’t seem like it, but “death forever” is actually a good thing.)
Time to translate to Normal Person English.
This is a Very Big Thing for them. It’s more or less the closest they’ve been physically, and emotionally, well, it’s a pretty big thing to sob against someone’s chest while lying in their bed.
Remember what I was saying last episode about how they’ve reached a point where they are more or less comfortable with their intimacy? Yep, this is the consequence of it.
And a lovely (or ridiculously awesome, whatever, same thing) consequence it is.
They’ve been building this up so much til now, all this being-comfortable-with-their-intimacy stuff, that it’s not even a big deal that she does this, at all. She needs comfort, he has it to give.
And the very end. She’s sobbing in his arms, and he’s holding her, and you’re sitting at home flipping your shit. Which means you might have missed a subtle yet significant change in action. She’s sobbing, sobbing, sobbing… and then, she calms down a little. She rests her hand more flat on his chest. She turns her head so her head is on its side. She’s not sobbing anymore; she’s just lying in his arms. And he knows it. And they’re both just laying there, with each other. No excuses of “Oh well I was so emotional, that’s why I did that” can be used anymore.
That’s pretty fucking huge.
(and really though, not to belittle Vincent’s death or Brennan’s feelings about it any way, but I wouldn’t be surprised if part of why Brennan was so emotional (and part of what pushed her to get into bed with Booth) was her thinking about what if it HAD been Booth, as Brodski had intended. Again, it’s conjecture (yikes, I’ve been doing that a bit too much lately, haven’t I?), but it does make sense. Those thoughts of if it had been Booth would logically morph into feelings of being so grateful that it wasn’t him, and therefore would make her boundaries with him, both physical and emotional, less sturdy and inflexible.)
And now, we must tackle the really expensive (“million dollar” is so overused) question:
We can’t know for sure.
At least, not until one of them outright SAYS it (although, even then, who the fuck knows, Booth might still actually be in the coma and this is all one really long coma dream. Near anything is possible with this show.)
BUT, here’s the thing.
There is the long pause after Angela asks Brennan what happened with her and Booth,
and the look between Angela and Brennan once it’s revealed that Booth got Brodski,
and Brennan linking her arm in Booth’s at the end,
and Angela looking at them when Brennan puts her arm in Booth’s.
They didn’t give us one telling pause/look/moment like normal, they gave us FOUR.
And plus all that, there’s the clocks. In the sex scene in the season 4 finale, it was 4:47. Check the clock at the beginning of the scene when she goes to his room in this episode – yep, 4:47.
(The first thing I thought when I realized this was “Hart Hanson, you magnificent son of a bitch.” (which is basically what I always think in regards to him, so.)
So, really, with all of this in consideration, it’s more than likely that they did, indeed, have sex. I won’t say for sure, though, because if there’s one surefire way to dig yourself a hole you can’t get out of with this show, it is to expect or to assume anything.
Even so, though, yeah, basically, they had sex.
Now, as there always are, I’m sure there’s some people out there who aren’t happy about this. “But but but I wanted their getting together to be a big deal!!!” First, we don’t really know if this is actually them “getting together”. It’s likely that they did have sex, yes, but we really don’t know what their “status” is. Yes, they might see themselves as “together” now. They also might not. They might see it as a friends-with-benefits situation. Or a situation that they just don’t want to label. Beyond that, though, I quote something I said earlier: “They’ve been building this up so much til now, all this being-comfortable-with-their-intimacy stuff, that it’s not even a big deal that she does this, at all.” The same goes for their getting together, I believe. It’s not to say that their getting together, with everything behind it and much of a long time coming it has been, etc., isn’t a big deal, but really… because there IS so much behind, because it’s been such a long time coming, it’s not a huge deal that it happens, because it’s so damn expected. We expect it. The squint squad expects it. Even THEY expect it, on some level. So for it to finally happen is just the next natural step (albeit a BIG step, but just the next step nonetheless).
And then there’s the “I don’t want them having sex for the first time just because she’s crying, just because Vincent’s died!” And that is actually pretty understandable. I get it. But, see… I feel like this was kind of necessary (or at least just needed, for a less absolute term) for this to happen at all. Brennan says “I think I did it because of Vincent” when she’s talking to Angela about getting into bed with Booth. Again, not to belittle his death in the slightest, but I think (going on the notion that they DID have sex), that acted as a catalyst for the both of them. Someone they both know just died right in front of them. They are in danger mode. Broadski is still out there. For all they know, he could be on a building aiming at them right then. Vincent’s dead, and there’s a still a chance that Booth might die, or Brennan even. From what she said about her thinking Vincent thinking she was horrible, it’s likely Brennan is regretting not appreciating him more, not being nicer to him, etc., and we all know her deal with regrets after Doctor in the Photo. It’s also possible that she’s simultaneously thinking about what if it was Booth as was intended, or what if it ends up being Booth? It is also possible that Booth is thinking of what if Brodski had shot at Brennan instead, or what if he decides to go after her next. The stakes for both of them at this point are basically as high as it gets in a non-immediate situation. And because of that, their guards are down as much as they’ve been in awhile. Either one of them could get shot by Brodski still. And as they’ve both learned, they do not want to have any regrets. They’ve both figured how it’s stupid to wait, despite their faults and concerns and walls, when it could all be over any minute.
The stakes are what did it.
(That’s not an absolute argument, because duh, of course there are other ways they could have had sex for the first time that involve no tears or death and it would still be entirely believable. It’s really not so much an argument as just an explanation about why I think this is a perfectly valid way for them to have sex for the first time.)
EDIT (5/16/11): I realize this is a very open thing, as of right now. Really, it could go either way. I've heard many convincing and valid arguments saying they did not have sex, and I acknowledge that it's entirely, 100% possible that that is true. However, based on what was shown in the episode, I believe the most logical theory is that they did have sex. I very well might be wrong, but based on what we know now, it's the theory that makes the most sense to me.
EDIT (5/16/11): I realize this is a very open thing, as of right now. Really, it could go either way. I've heard many convincing and valid arguments saying they did not have sex, and I acknowledge that it's entirely, 100% possible that that is true. However, based on what was shown in the episode, I believe the most logical theory is that they did have sex. I very well might be wrong, but based on what we know now, it's the theory that makes the most sense to me.
Now, normally, I would sum everything up, but I feel like that would just be redundant at this point, considering the lengthiness of this post.
Instead, I leave you with a mini-recap of their last on-screen moment of the episode:
So Vincent Nigel-Murray is being driven off, and everyone is leaving, and she slips her arm around his. Without looking, mind you. Without really even hesitating. And her reaching out for comfort in an affectionate manner like that in public is a very big step for her. Sex or no sex, they did experience more intense intimacy than ever before the night prior, even in the unlikely event that it went no farther than what they saw, and her arm-linkage is a result of that.
But, anyway. She stays staring off at the car as she does it, even though her eyes to flit down and away for a second, in a very “yes, I am actually doing this right now” manner. But it’s just for a split second, and her eyes go back to Vincent Nigel-Murray.
Booth, on the other hands, knows what we know, that it’s an unusual thing for her to just grab his arm like that in front of people. So much so that he actually looks down at their entwined arms when she does it, and when he brings his face back up – a slight smile.
And despite whatever activities it came from, this, her putting her arm in his, is a new thing, for her, for them. And they’re happy with it.
i love your reviews Leila, the speak to exactly what i'm feeling normally when i watch the show, i too lost my shit, twice this episode, once when VNM died and then at the apartment...
ReplyDeleteI personally think however that they didnt sleep together, I honestly think that all they did was sleep cuddled all night, which for Brennan is far more intimate then any sex couldve been, I could be totally wrong about this, however, whether they did or didnt do anything, something huge happened this episode and I am super psyched for next season.
There is so much that HH can do with them in a relationship.
I for one cant wait.
AAAAAAAUUUGHHHHH!!!! THIS EPISODE!!! Words cannot express how much I loved it or what I am feeling. Your review comes pretty close though. Thanks as always. Wow. I need to process... and watch it again... basically, I love love loved it.
ReplyDeleteAnd also, the clocks! I was so proud of myself for noticing the clock, but then I started second-guessing myself... but if you noticed the clock too, that means I'm not reading into things too much. And the clock is real. Which means I think they really did have sex. :)
i honestly dont think they had sex, the top most reason being, sex to brennan is not a really intimate thing for her to do...
ReplyDeleteletting her guard down long enough to go to another for comfort then lay in bed with him being held speaks of a far bigger and more momentas intimacy in my mind...
thats just my 2 cents on it anyways, what do you guys think?
They never had sex, the situation was too tense, as if that happened. As Booth Bones targeted with the gun it was clearly to see how tense he is. No chance that he would be distracted in this way. I think that's exactly happened, what we saw. He held her and probably said that everything will be fine. Sleeping with Booth would be no big deal for Bones. But be comforted by him and to seek protection from him is a big thing for Bones.
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ReplyDeleteI love hearing everyone's insights! And honestly, even just a couple of hours after posting this yesterday, I've been thinking of amending my post to phrase everything about whether or not they had sex less concretely and definitely, because there are quite a few feasible arguments supporting the notion that they didn't have sex.
ReplyDeleteThe tenseness of the situation isn't something I had taken into account before, and that would definitely have a large part in them not having sex. As for the whole "sex isn't a big deal for Brennan" thing... while obviously I don't think she's made a 180 and completely changed her initial views on sex or anything, I think after all this time with Booth... at the very least, were she to have sex with Booth (especially if it were in such a highly emotionally-charged situation like this)... that idea might change slightly. Despite Brennan's typical stubbornness in her ideas, it simply wouldn't make any sense for the situation not to be at least slightly different now, considering the multiple influencing factors. With anyone else, maybe not, but with Booth, at this point, under these circumstances... I'd be willing to bet money on the idea that it's not at least partly more than "just sex" to her.
I believe it is foolish to hold absolute assumptions of any kind with this show (unless it is something indisputable, of course, but then it wouldn't be an assumption, it would just be fact), therefore I cannot say I have an opinion that they definitely had sex or definition did not have sex. But if I have to pick what I think is most likely to have happened, I still think they did have sex (I'm like, 65/35 on it at this point.) The inferences supporting that they did are more solid to me at this point.
(Also, though, I'm starting to think the clock thing isn't as solid as previously thought. It appeared with that time in the season 5 finale, and everyone wasn't like OMG THEY BANGED then. Despite the fact that it would piss off a LOT of fans, I think it's possible that TPTB might have just decided that the clock with 4:47 could just signify that something significant has happened, or that a big change is coming (season 4 finale, Booth's forgotten Bones. season 5, everyone separates. Now...). I still think the original theory is incredibly plausible and makes sense logically and otherwise, but I feel it is not a foolproof as many find it to be).
wow - nice one! So much to comment on...
ReplyDelete- I thought the same of HH when the clock appeared.
- I LOVED Angie - she spoke for me in this ep and her reaction to Hodgins was priceless.
Did they? Didn't they? Oh how I love that that is the new question (bloody genius HH).
I'm not sure. I can see both sides...the tenseness of the situation could have led to either result. The reactions could have been for both sex, but also an acknowledgement to take things further when the Broadsky thing was over.
For me, something happened and I am thrilled. And whilst I'd have loved to see more, not being privy to it is ok too... at the moment I have a feeling my 'friends' have hooked up, but I'm not sure and figure that they'll tell me when they're ready ;)
Thanks again Leila. Seriously, you are so on my wavelength I wish we could have a real time chat about all this with lots of 'I know!'s :)
I think the clock is solid. I think the whole Brennan-waving-out-of-a-taxi thing is the signal that big change is coming. The clock in the season 5 finale was blinking - I can't remember where I read it, but someone suggested that was like a "pause" symbol, their relationship wasn't moving forward. In the 4 finale and this one, the clock was functioning normally. I think that means something.
ReplyDeleteMy personal opinion is still YES. I wouldn't bet any money on it, and I won't be at all surprised if I'm proven wrong, but even so... And the main reason I think that is just based on how freaking happy Angela was. I don't think she would have been that happy about it otherwise.
i agree with all of your comments, no absolutes on this show... the good old saying.. pics or it never happened if you will hahaha
ReplyDeleteeither way.. im pretty psyched for the finale and next season!!
I love all your comments, as always. I'm of the camp "I don't care if they had sex, I just want them to be in a relationship of some form" whether it's best friends or something more.
ReplyDeleteThey could have had grief sex, where you're just looking for a connection to someone so you don't feel so alone in the world, and that you are, in fact, still alive. Which may not be how people would have wanted them to have sex for the first time, but it is a valid argument for them having sex, whether they did or not.
My favorite part of the episode was the end scene, with everyone sending Vincent Nigel-Murray off, and them singing Put the Lime in Da Coconut (I'm finally getting it out of my head, three days later...). There's a sense of camaraderie between the team that hasn't been there for the past season. Everyone is finally finding their way back to each other, and they're becoming solid again. The center did indeed hold, even if it was a little shaky for a while *coughHannahcough* which I love.
I'm thinking this might become either my second favorite season, or tied for first (second season is my favorite so far), when I re-watch the entire season together. There's so much character growth going on, it's lovely to watch, and it would never have happened in season one, or B&B thinking about getting together either.
Can't wait for the season finale, and, being Canadian, I can watch it early. :)
wait wait wait....Ashley! You get to watch it early? What do you mean by that? I'm in Australia and can only watch once it's been screened and posted on line. At the moment, that's at about 12.30pm my time on Friday (30 mins after it's screened in the US). When do you watch it, and how do I get it?
ReplyDeleteAs an aside, I'm in camp No sex, but it would not surprise me if they did. HH has always said that this relationship was organic, so for me, it would be very natural in that context if they did.
Oh my - my brain is going to explode...
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ReplyDeleteWait, the whole "Canada gets the show a day early" thing is happening again? Hmm. Should anyone have a link from that airing of it (once it happens, obviously), you should email it to humanoid24601 at gmail dot com. Juuuuuuuust saying ;D
ReplyDeleteYes, Canada is getting the finale on Wednesday instead of Thursday, which is when the States is airing it. For season five the regular episodes were airing on Wednesdays, except for the finale, which aired on Thursday with the States. Season six was the opposite, with both the States and Canada getting the regular episodes on Thursdays with Canada getting the finale early. I think it has to do with the fact that Canada decided to air Survivor on Wednesdays this year instead of Thursdays like it has been for the past nine, ten years, maybe?
ReplyDeleteGlobal airs Bones, but there's several different Global channels in Canada. bones-streaming dot blogspot dot com is where I go when I've missed an episode and it's really good at posting links right away. I think it's posted fairly quickly after the episode airs, but I can't tell which time zone it's from. I'll send the link to Leila too.
You girls have just MADE MY DAY!
ReplyDeleteWow - this is great news - now I have one less day to wait. Oh HAPPY DAYS :) :) :)
I'll be hunting down a link asap...
btw, Dani: don't get me started on Channel 7. They are the reason I watch online. The only good thing is that we can watch the second half of the season - again - when they eventually decide to air it.
I love that you said Hart Hanson was a magnificent son of a bitch cause I definitely had that feeling, that and that he was an evil genius haha I also just wanted to point out that she says "Can you just..." instead of "Can I just..." I think its so much sweeter that she is basic asking him to hold her
ReplyDeleteLeila, ive sent you the link to the site i use, like i said, its reliable and is up super quick after air time
ReplyDeleteThe commercial for THitH mentioned that we'd be talking about this ep all summer so unfortuantely I doubt we will find out of anything happened between them until next season starts (whenever that may be)
ReplyDeleteThe apartment moment and the final worth all the episode, maybe all the season! I guess that they didn't have sex, they slept in each other arms. They shared a grief, a moment of weakness, a night in bed as a married couple for forty o fifty years. And the smile in the end... there was love in, pure affection and maybe a promise. Something like 'I'm here, by your side, as always'. I'm Italian so I have to do a lot of work to see the episode. Thanks to Blogger :-) And thanks to Leila for being so brilliant.
Anon: Thanks for the heads up on the line discrepancy. I too think it is sweeter, what she actually says (as opposed to what I misheard, haha).
ReplyDeleteChristin: Oh no, I didn't catch that in the promo. While the cliffhanger very well might be something completely different, I could also see it being something along the lines of did they/didn't they. Yikes. We'll see.
Bea: Aw, that's sweet! Thanks :)
Yeah, it was the promo for the last ep not this coming one... BUT it could be that they expect us to be talking about VNM dying and not "did they or didn't they", realistically I'm guessing it's the latter because the promo dept likes to mess with our heads.
ReplyDeleteThose of you not watching the finale early and not wanting to be spoiled on what the big change in the game is for the Bones finale...Do not wander, I repeat, do not wander into the Bones forum on :D
ReplyDeleteI have not seen the finale, I had a theory about what was going to happen in the finale based on this episode coupled with some other facts, and glad to know I was correct in my assumptions, based on what people who saw the finale already were posting.
Safe to say the finale will probably be suprising to most people, I think.
But again I reiterate, if you don't want spoilerage, do not wander aimlessly into the Bones forum on :D
I can definitely see the entire online Bones fandom being in an uproar over this, but it is definitely a game changer. I watched it last night, and now that the shock's over, I'd like to watch it again. I'm not quite sure what people want from Bones some days.