Sunday, October 3, 2010

In Which Leila Says Some Things And Asks Some Questions

First, things I want to say: 
-Thank you so much to all of your for reading and commenting! I'm so, so glad to see the number of people commenting has increased dramatically. Your comments make up my motivation to keep doing this blog; I enjoy hearing all of your opinions and thoughts so much. That being said, I also appreciate you to no end if you don't comment but you read it. 
-If you ever feel so inclined, throw around the link to the blog on twitter, tumblr, bones sites, etc. Help me spread the love :)
-And also, I've added a little extra note on the post for 6.2, near the end. Something I didn't catch the first time but had to comment on. 

And now, things I want to ask:
-How can I improve things here? Now that I am getting more readers and we're getting into the new season, I want this to be as good an experience for you guys as possible.
-How do you feel about there being no screenshots on here? I know a lot of Bones blogs use screenshots; I don't because it's difficult to do on my computer and I don't have all that much time, but if you feel it'd improve the blog a lot and make more people want to read it, I'd definitely considering throwing in a screenshot here or there, if I can manage it.
-Any other kinds of ideas as to things you'd like to see here, things to change that might make it better, etc.? Give me your input! :)


  1. Okay, I'll be the first to comment.
    I really don't have anything to complain about. I've read your posts from the very beginning and find your insights interesting. I like hearing what others think about the show as long as it's no bashing, which occurs far too often these days. So I appreciate your positiveness, as I've said in a post before.
    Actually I prefer not to have screenshots. I like the simplicity of this page. I find many blogs overloaded with shots. Personally, if I want to know what look or what sentence you meant exactly I go back and rewatch myself.
    Apart from that, keep up the good work and I'm looking forward to discuss what you and others have to say about the show :).

  2. Thanks so much for your input! Glad to hear you're liking things.
    Btw, I'll be responding to all the comments you made a little while ago within the next few hours. I just want to wait until I can give them my full attention :D

  3. Are you familiar with this?

    Meet Jenny... she's obsessed with Bones... OBVIOUSLY...

    I like the blog the way it is now...

  4. I'm a newer reader, and I love your blog just the way it is. I'm glad you don't clutter your blog with screencaps. I read your recaps because they're more analytical. Yes, you fan girl out (which I LOVE) but what has really drawn me to your posts is the fact that you go beyond fan girl and really dig into their relationship. As a grad student, I appreciate all the analyzing and theorizing you do. I read the fiery-twilight livejournal as well. She is who I read for a screencap filled recap, you're who I read for a deeper analysis.

    Thank you so much!

  5. Penelope, OMG THAT IS HILARIOUS. Thank you for pointing it out to me! I haven't seen it before.

    And, both Penelope and nina1186, thanks for your input. :)


    Go back and read then... You'll laugh out loud...

  7. I agree with the others - jenny's squeecap is a laugh, and you balance it out with deeper analysis.
    Both positive, both shippers, both with great things to say.
    A nice balance:)

  8. I'm very much waiting for your thoughts on the jersey shore episode.
