Monday, September 20, 2010

In Which There's No Prayer, Not In Her Place

Season 5, Episode 10
The Goop in the Girl

Although it's much too long to post (and there's not all that much I have to say about it anyway), it would be remiss not at least to mention the scene where Bones has to undress Booth because evidence is all over his clothes. And how hilariously uncomfortable he gets. Definitely one of those to watch again. And again.

BOOTH: What's wrong? 
BRENNAN: Max told me that being alone at Christmas means that nobody loves you. She's burying her son. Alone. On Christmas. I think that's heartbreaking. 
BOOTH: You know, when I say "heartbreaking," you say that the heart is a muscle so it... it can't break, it can only get crushed. 
BRENNAN [choked up]: Isn't it heart-crushing? 
BOOTH: You want to go to his funeral? 
BRENNAN: Yes. I would. Then... she won't be alone. 
BOOTH: You know what, Bones? Sometimes I think your heart muscle is bigger than people give you credit for. 

Oh, Bones, look at you, expressing your feelings.
And this is one of the times we get to see how Bones truly isn't a “cold fish”. That it's all an act to hide how vulnerable and feeling she actually is. And when those walls come down, like in this scene, we get to see it, at face-value. Oh god, how choked-up she gets, how much it truly hurts her... it's heart-crushing to see how, well, heart-crushed she is.

And oh Booth, you always know just what to say. Even when he's calling her out on how she always says “heartbreaking” isn't accurate when he says it, he says it so cautiously and tenderly.

BRENNAN: Oh, um... [standing] Thank you, everyone, for coming. Let's eat. [she sits] 
MAX: No. I-I mean, would you like to say something about Christmas? 
BRENNAN: Okay. [standing] Um, Christmas has its roots in the pagan festival of Saturnalia, which is traditionally celebrated by intoxication, naked singing and the consumption of human-shaped biscuits. 

Irrelevant to everything except hilarity. This part makes me chuckle so much.

MARGARET: What do we do now? 
BOOTH: Ah, let's say a prayer. 
BRENNAN: No, no prayer, not in my place. 
BOOTH: Bones, I always pray. 
BRENNAN: Maybe just a moment of silence. 
BOOTH: Hold hands. 

Their little looks toward each other at the end, her with the affection “Oh, Booth” look, and him opening one eye to look over at her and smiling... MAKES ME GRIN LIKE A MOTHERFUCKER EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Seriously. I smile so hard that it stretches my face in ways I didn't know it could be stretched before.

I also feel like this is one of those scenes where it's all just so natural and so full of the essence of what makes Booth and Bones, Booth and Bones, that you could take almost exactly as it is, put it in the future once they're together, and it would work perfectly. Where you go, “Huh, you know what, I totally bet this is what their married/living together/couple/whatever life would be like.”

And, boy, is it positively lovely.

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