Sunday, August 29, 2010

In Which We See A Theme For This Season

Season 2, Episode 1
The Titan on the Tracks

BRENNAN: Why didn’t Goodman hire me?
BOOTH: Oh, my guess? People skills.
BRENNAN: I have people skills.
BOOTH: Oh, all right. That firefighter’s name is Nelson, and it’s at least the fourth time that you’ve met him. Odds are, Cam knows his kids’ names after meeting him once.

Season 2 starts, and we get into the criticizing of each other's personalities that we know and love so well. It also shows how they're comfortable with it at this point; Booth feels comfortable enough with their relationship that he can just non-nonchalantly mention how she has pretty much no people skills, something that is decently offensive for someone to hear, even if they don't think it's true.

BRENNAN: How am I going to tell Russ that our father ordered the death of another human being?
BOOTH: If he did that, and I’m not saying it happened that way, then your father took down the man who murdered his wife.
BRENNAN: Good people don’t have other people murdered. Good people don’t even know how.
BOOTH: Well, your father buried your mother in a pair of new shoes in a cemetery. With her dolphin belt buckle that reminded her of you because you both loved dolphins.
BRENNAN: That does not make him a good man.
BOOTH: People can be more than one thing.

Here we go again, with Objective!Bones and Subjective!Booth clashing heads.

BRENNAN: Booth? I asked the questions and guess what? No answer.
BOOTH: Well, maybe if you weren’t standing right on top of her, took a step to the left, showed just a little respect. Sometimes it takes a while to get an answer, okay? Just leave the flowers.
(BRENNAN reluctantly leaves the flowers at the base of the headstone.)
BRENNAN: I get answers from a lab, you get them from people. Nobody gets answers from a slab of stone.
BOOTH: Yeah, well I see an answer in the stone. See, you buried your mother as Christine Brennan, the woman that you knew as your mother and not by her real name, Ruth Keenan. That tells me who you are.

And here we end with a typical Booth-helping-Bones-develop-emotionally scene, one of the first of many. For the first time, we're starting to get into them learning from each other not only in relation to work things, but with personal, emotional things.

It seems to be the theme for this season.

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