Season 2, Episode 5
The Truth in the Lye
BRENNAN: Can I ask you something? [walks to Rebecca] Why did you say no?
REBECCA: Excuse me?
BRENNAN: When he asked you to marry him? I mean, he seems an ideal candidate. Strong, alpha male, good protective instincts.
REBECCA: And I should discuss this with you why?
BRENNAN: It’s just- I’m not sure he knows. And… I think it bothers him.
Well, Brennan. Making assumptive conclusions about emotions? Who do you think you are, Booth?
Which is precisely it. She's starting to learn from him. The irony is that what she's learning from him is leading her to make assumptions about him. And that's what's most important: that's she's making these assumptions about him. That she's concerned about him.
BRENNAN: You sure that’s what you want?
BOOTH: You know what, Bones? It might be all anthropology to you, but there are certain people that you just can’t sleep with. I mean, you can pretend that it’s just sex. You can lie to yourself, and you can say that it’s all good. But, um, there’s just- There’s too many strings and- and too much at stake, you know? Too much to lose.
BRENNAN: Yeah. I can see that.
BOOTH: [standing up] It’s over, you know? I’d appreciate, you know, your support in that.
BRENNAN: I will. And if you should slip, I will…keep my mouth shut about it.
BOOTH: Thank you. But, I mean, it’s not like I’m gonna-
BRENNAN: No, I mean with anybody. I’m sure Rebecca’s not your only option for satisfying your biological urges.
First, just let me say, HOLY CRAP, THE EYE SEX THEY HAVE GOING ON IN THIS SCENE. Especially in the last line. Again, GO WATCH IT. NOW.
And right before they're interrupted, again, after the last line, they have a moment. A crazy, unspoken, eye sex moment.
The really important part, of course, is Booth's little speech. I spy with my little eye a double meaning. Sure, on the surface he's just talking in general, but of course he's really talking about Bones, explaining both to her and to us viewers who go crazy whenever their insane chemistry is exhibited, why they can't just have at it. There's too much at stake, too much to lose. With her it wouldn't be “just sex”. She means too much to him. If they have sex, they have to acknowledge their connection, their feelings for each other (and I think this marks the point when their deep platonic connection starts to slightly edge over to the romantic side, albeit on an incredibly subconscious or even unconscious level), and that's something neither of them can do yet. No way.
So, no sexy times.
And the fangirls go D:
Holly crap indeed! Incredible acting by the way.